Lucas didn't do the clones justice by treating them as nothing more than CGI cannon fodder in the prequel trilogy. An entire other team had to create more (and better) stories to explore the obvious moral dilemma of creating clone soldiers enslaved to the Republic's MIC.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Have you heard of Zizek Splat? He's a Jontoo freeborn from Mazdacar 346 and his job is to wipe the memories of the droids owned by Kawangus Kurtzman Jantz the bounty hunter which were used to polish, with Woodoo Hide, the Carbonite frozen body of Las"s Anya, the ancient turquoise force user from Baalton'guer who fought in the War of Anger from ABV 15% to BBC 10".