Lucas didn't do the clones justice by treating them as nothing more than CGI cannon fodder in the prequel trilogy. An entire other team had to create more (and better) stories to explore the obvious moral dilemma of creating clone soldiers enslaved to the Republic's MIC.

  • Bedulge [he/him]
    3 years ago

    That makes sense in that it is a plausible explanation for how it could be physically possible. But no explanation at all as to why you want to design a bomber to work like that, instead of like, shooting your explosive out like rockets or bullets or something. Surely they must have better ways of sending out bombs, right?

    • garbology [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The "real" explanation is that all of the space flight in Star Wars is so heavily based on atmosphere dogfighting that it's effectively canon for SW that spaceships work like airplanes.