Lucas didn't do the clones justice by treating them as nothing more than CGI cannon fodder in the prequel trilogy. An entire other team had to create more (and better) stories to explore the obvious moral dilemma of creating clone soldiers enslaved to the Republic's MIC.

  • Mog_Pharou [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Hyperdrive has never worked like EP8 depicts it and everything about the slow chase is stupid as fuck. If this outcome is possible at all, someone would find out how to do it and weaponize it in a heartbeat.

    This is the biggest one. This little tidbit completely invalidates ALL the technology we see in Star Wars. Why have Star Destroyers? Strap a hyperdrive to a rock. Why build a Death Star? Strap a hyperdrive to a rock. The world simply would not look like it does if that technology worked the way they showed. There would be no Navies, there would be no space fights at all, it would be stealth tech and first-strike capability, with nation states lobbing rocks at each other from light-years away. They literally broke the star wars in Star Wars. FFS why would there have been a trench run in the first movie? STRAP A FUCKING HYPERDRIVE TO A ROCK AND 9/11 THAT SHIT.