Found on reddit, likely made by a lib but the regions are more sensical than current state and country borders. Countries are based on a bioregion, or close to it, in addition to a more regional culture.

Where would you like to live? Assume every region is 100% socialist already (yes including the laughably named Reagan and Roosevelt).

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Why do americans keep making future maps where they take more territory from mexico, they already took half the country in the past, as for the balkanized US map i think its good, i always thought dividing the US by State lines was bad, and regions should be the division.

    as to where i would like to live, i guess either Rio Bravo, Cortez (this is a bad name by the way), Cibola or Alta California, i imagine they are the closes to Mexico

    big fan of Big Nunavut

    • vsaush [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Dunno, comrade. At least in this one the guy had an excuse that he was focusing on divisions based on watersheds, lol.