Go to any city subreddit, search "homeless" and watch the genocidal comments fly. Why is :reddit-logo: like this?

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    There are several factors at play here.

    First of all the visible presence of the homeless is a scary reminder about what will happen if you fuck up somehow. Deep down they know that they are just a medical emergency, a pink slip, a few accidents from losing their privileged position and end on the wrong side of society.

    Visible homeless people are also ideologically annoying. Libs like to think that the system that benefits them is fair and that they themselves are good people for supporting it. They like to believe there is a "safety net" that takes care of the poor although they don't like paying the taxes to fund it. When the homeless are visible it challenges the liberal belief in a just world which angers them.

    And then there is the, not totally unjustified, fear that the desperate homeless seeing all the nice stuff the the upper middle class have might attempt to rectify the injustice by taking some of it for themselves.

    A "the customer is always right"/Karen mentality also plays a part. Well of libs believe they worked hard to get what they have and when they buy a nice house in a nice neighborhood they expect it to stay nice and free from unsightly people like the homeless. After all that is what they paid for.