• borisjohnson [he/him]
    3 years ago

    In the last week we got:

    • An increase in the nuclear arsenal
    • Absurd spending on pointless new military hardware (seriously why do we need fucking tanks)
    • The government trying to start a costly, pointless and ultimately doomed new cold war against China
    • Women in general becoming the new target for cops
    • A complete crackdown on the right to protest

    An to top it off Sir Fucking Keith is the main opposition (and I use that term VERY loosely). I am so fucking blackpilled to the point where it's affecting my mental health. I cannot wait to get out of England, hopefully to an independent Scotland.

  • quartz [she/her]
    3 years ago

    This the the boot scraping little bits of doo doo on a human face, forever. Seriously.

    The bourgeoisie of western nations have no choice. They recognize the declining rate of profit and coming jackpot, of which COVID was a nice wake-up call. There will be more plagues, much worse due to the collapses of infrastructure and healthcare systems globally. Not that Covid's done breaking our ribs.

    Things will get worse and worse, and as they do, all the little niceties mostly white westerners receive will be whittled away while a complex propagandized narrative will worm itself in through every orifice. The decline of your Keynesian institutions will provide the drop of real terror that will be cultivated into a tsunami at the gates. Barbarians, outside, and they want a slice of the shrinking pie. Of COURSE people will "want" more security forces. Watch for this, you'll have to deradicalize people from this position, preferably starting now.

    The expansion of America's greatest contribution to capital will be a red tide on white beaches. Internal colonies, second class citizens, permanent proletariat, wage slavery. These will all metastasize as the modern neocolonial order is disrupted. Western nations, in their zeal to keep growth steady while starving China, will produce new colonies and break countries into new markets for multinationals.

    There will be a "normalization" of American and Israeli models of Militarist Police Classes. Shit's bad.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah... This is what's coming for those of us living in the parts of the world where capitalism tried to maintain a human face. Don't forget the racism either it's accelerating more and more. I'm genuinely concerned about the long term safety of my Muslim friends.

      • quartz [she/her]
        3 years ago

        It's fucked up. It can happen really fast, too. Remember the American public's regard towards China dropped something like 80% in two years. When the government and its NGOs and think tanks coordinate, they play both sides. A perfectly crafted narrative with a proposition and an opposition. Only the opposition isn't as far away as it seems, and seems like it agrees very well with the proposition on much of the problem.

        I am also concerned about Muslim people and people from the middle east. Nothing's ever sure, but I've got a hunch they'll hinge it around immigration. First, the proposition will be immigrants are evil and should be killed. Then, the opposition, which you can kind of see now: not all immigrants are evil, some assimilate into a white western way of living! Then, when atrocities begin, opposition is already weak because it's a weak position, and can be cornered into either defending "the bad Muslims" which they already hate, or deciding that the victims must be "bad Muslims" all along. The very human bias toward believing you're always on the right side will push people toward the latter. Of course, I don't know anything special and I'm just speculating.

        • SoyViking [he/him]
          3 years ago

          In my country decades of centrist voter triangulation has made most of the traditional centre-left, who where supposed to be the opposition to the islamophobic madness, just as racist and sadistic as the self-declared right wing parties.

          My analysis is that the dominant ideology here for the foreseeable future will be a sort of neo-Strasserism where a nationalist welfare state exclusively for white, ideologically compliant middle class citizens will be matched with increasing violence and oppression against ethnic minorities and anyone else who doesn't fit into the image of the model citizen.

          As climate change worsens and economic conditions deteriorate the group of accepted citizens will be gradually narrowed down to maintain the semblance of a welfare state while harsher methods of repression will be used on those not included.

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    3 years ago

    This is coming soon after a national debate about undercover “spy cops” and their role in state sanctioned rape through deception.

    And don't forget new legislation that makes rape and murder legal for undercover assets and informants, all with the tacit support of Kier Starmer's Labour Party.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 years ago

    did they pass that disgusting spycops bill that legalizes horrific crimes by undercover cops?