• Gorn [they/them,he/him]
    4 years ago

    The story of Jordan Peterson’s bloodline will be the story of a Chad Russian Communist who was simply too good a person for Mikhaila not to uwu. This Chad Russian Communist Antifa Supersoldier even… manages Jordan Peterson’s business? And also is a checks notes Communist. You know, the kind of person Jordan Peterson checks notes built his entire career/business around shitting on like an upset toddler.

    The meat was a highly effective communist plot to have Jordan Peterson die in Siberia :sankara-salute:

      • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
        4 years ago

        lmao ya. Peterson's whole thing is that he's this 'hyper-rationalist' who uses deep thinking and incisive logic to rip the tenants of leftism to shreds.

        Then he shows up to that debate, to debate Zizek, and the most academic he manages to be is, "So I, uh, read The Communist Manifesto last night, since that's pretty much an effective stand-in for Zizek's entire framework, right?"

        LMAO never, ever have I seen a bigger C H U M P shit the bed so bad as he did in that Marketplace of Ideas. Like, holy shit, way to forever lose any last shred of respectability you may have had left in one blaze of shitty glory haha.

        Fucking garbage. That's what Jordan Peterson's 'worldview' is. Utter fucking garbage hahaha fuckin C H U M P hahaha

        Literally end career, you're totally right haha, and now his brain wastes away at a slightly faster rate than it already was, not to say anything of his disciples lmaO hahahaa

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          4 years ago

          His whole schtick was regurgitating dead basic life advice for a capitalist system. Advice Zizeck has spent his whole life deconstructing.

          Now granted, a lot of weird nerds need that advice on basic socialisation (I know I did, but not from him), and getting the equivalent of a Victorian-era ladies etiquette manual was super useful for them (though they really should have just logged on to something like the Art of Manliness and skipped the Chud bits.)