I’ve always been a little put off by him and he comes across as a grifter. My partner has followed him on twitter for a long time and I’ve always told her to take him with a grain of salt. Now twitters blowing up again. Am I vindicated in my grift-radar?
Absolutely. Samaria Rice (mom of Tamir Rice, 12 year old killed by the Cleveland PD) called out a bunch of Grammy performers on Facebook for appropriating BLM for their own clout rather than actually doing anything. She posted “FUCK A GRAMMY WHEN MY SON IS DEAD, FUCK ALL PIG COPS.” Then Shaun King made a post where he was essentially like "actually Samaria is wrong and it's sad she's so upset but we'll help her don't worry" and it's the most patronizing shit imaginable. If you want to do some brain damage you can read it here. Grifters' gonna grift.
Dabs are cringe comrade but I grant you permission nonetheless
It will be done in a private setting
Edit: I feel that I should clarify that I will not in fact be dabbing on anyone.
Idk, I read that whole article and unless he's leaving significant things out, it doesn't seem that bad. Entirely no offense to you in particular, but I feel like a decent portion of people here like to boil down nuanced things into Side A is good, side B is moron who said stupid thing. His post was about a lot more than that one instance, he never spoke of BLM as a we, and he explained the general situation. IDK I just don't think it's helpful to exaggerate the circumstances to the point they're a ghost of a ghost of the real thing.
Ultimately, what I know is that a grieving mother like Samaria Rice has every right to be skeptical and hurt and suspicious and cynical. She wasn’t born that way, but this evil and unrelentingly racist country forced her into that corner. It’s our job to gracefully and patiently help her find her way out.
This particularly is what I take issue with. He's trying to "help her find her way out" of hating all cops because they killed her son. That's patronizing as hell, and saying that she has the wrong viewpoint but it's ok because she's a grieving mother.
He's a certified 1000% grifter. He went from hating Kamala Harris on twitter to fawning over her as Biden's vice president nomination. I'll try find the post on here about it soon.
I have learned on twitter than T from Champagne sharks has some pet nicknames for Shaun King that include Talcum X and Martin Luther cream lmao
Edit for those not familiar with champagne sharks - host is black and criticizing king from the left
Literally every r/blackpeopletwitter post on r*ddit to do with Shaun King uses those nicknames. Hell it even reached the Newsweek comments section lmao
Total grift status. There was one email I forgot what the specific details of the controversy was (he's honestly had so many) where I think in the same breath of announcing how sad he was that another person was killed by the cops, he immediately asked for donations, like within a paragraph break.
It was disgusting.
Surprised no one linked this yet, but he recently put this article out that is rightfully giving him a lot of flak. https://www.thenorthstar.com/p/understanding-the-pain-grief-and
He is an absolute garbage person, read what he had to say about Samaria Rice's (Tamir Rice's mother) social media posts where she is calling out how people are using her son's death for clout and for grifts. Especially the very large BLM groups that are raising a ton of money but she just isn't seeing any real change happening among other things.
Ultimately, what I know is that a grieving mother like Samaria Rice has every right to be skeptical and hurt and suspicious and cynical. She wasn’t born that way, but this evil and unrelentingly racist country forced her into that corner. It’s our job to gracefully and patiently help her find her way out.
I mean that paragraph is just fucking vile to me, he is dismissing her so hard and being so patronizing. No idea if he is an OP but even if he is not, is a grifter in the worst sense of the word.
He ran a separate campaign to get Rodney Reed off of death row when he saw the original campaign gaining traction. Total grifter that could have gotten an innocent man killed.
Sometimes he has okay takes but more often than not he is truly annoying as hell.
He’s started a lot of things without what looks like real intent for them to succeed. There several examples you can easily find online, but the failed North Star news thing comes to mind - the only thing that stopped me from donating was that the payment system was so buggy. Don’t regret it in hindsight.
No but she’s always telling me what he’s talking about on twitter :/