Not mentioned in the title: he was snorting confiscated fent.

Also this is a cop from the town all the Proud Boys who came to Portland in 2020 live in.

Anyway, happy Friday! officer-down

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
    11 months ago

    It really depends on when they came across him. Fent is just a really strong opiate, but it's also the only (common) opiate that can handily out power narcan. I had someone around to start narcanning me immediately once thing started going wrong, it still took all 3 of our narcans and actual chest compressions to get me up. Narcan is a miracle drug that will save people from overdoses, but hitting a fat ass fent patch can definitely be too much for Narcan to handle. Plus, not really breathing for like 10 minutes is plenty to kill someone.

    With that being said, yeah, this story sounds fishy af.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them, she/her]
      11 months ago

      I don’t know much but my impression is that snorting a line of fentenal like it was a line of coke is like a MASSIVE dose of that stuff, is that right?

      • lilypad [she/her, undecided]
        11 months ago

        Ld50 of cocaine is apparently ~96mg/kg, while fentanyl is ~18mg/kg, assuming an oral route for both.

      • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
        11 months ago

        Yeah, it is. The person responding is talking about doses on paper that don't really correlate to anything IRL. By their logic, it would take a half ounce of cocaine at once to kill somebody. I assure you, it takes far less than a half ounce to kill somebody, otherwise nobody would be able to afford to overdose.

        The thing that made me need 3 narcans and cpr was 1/4 of an oxy 30mg press. Meaning that if it were the opiate it was advertised as (far weaker than fent) I would have only been taking 7.5mg. I assure you, there was far less than 7 mils.

        Glad I'm off that shit