Another thread where they lay out that they're anti-sex because they like Jesus and animals or something: /

I'm new here, and am so on fire to find there is an antisexual revolution going on. There is a vision I see to create a smaller team of individuals who want to combat sexual worship and swinger groups who even take their own children there to be molested. IT HAS TO STOP, and I say we are the ones who go out there and expose them and use this as our base platform. Who is in?

We need 7 different types of people to fill the 7 positions in this team. And this is our flag:

Positions on this team:

Dirt (Brown): Gifts of Perseverance and Pain - Something inside you makes you endure suffering as though it is a matter of life or death. Those with the gift of pain take more of a beating than everyone else and help carry the weight of their teammates

Ash (Grey): Gifts of Zealousness and Wrath - Something inside you builds with a righteous anger toward evil like an unstoppable rage. Those with the gift of wrath bring those around them a heightened state of focus on their mission

Hellfire (White): Gifts of Rescuing and Hatred - Something inside you is unyielding against things you sense are inherently wrong. Those with the gift of hatred give their teammates protection and discernment against evil.

Brimstone (Neon Yellow): Gifts of Revelation and Sacrifice - Something inside you is ready to give your life for what you stand for. Those with the gift of sacrifice are so on fire for what they are ready to die for that nothing can extinguish their fire, not even death.

Navy (Navy Blue): Gifts of Freedom and Vengeance - Something inside you gives you a relentless desire to bring an end to what is suffocating humanity. Those with the gift of vengeance keep their team going when their teammates have no faith.

Marine (Dark Aquamarine): Gifts of True Love and Woe - Something inside you gives you courage when your heart breaks for the lost and broken and the innocent. Those with the gift of woe give their teammates faith when theirs is dwindling.

Hyacinth (Hyacinth): Gifts of Truth and Dread - Something inside you knows there is some kind of dark otherworldly existence. Those with the gift of dread see things no one else does and have extra discernment when confronting the unseen.

  • Helmic [he/him]
    11 months ago

    That is true. But I still think there's an issue with many of these spaces of defining anything outside that space as bad - I often see autistic spaces get really, really caught up in presenting allistic people as bad and ignoring intersectional politics, thinking hte issue is that allistic people are assholes and not that we're up against a neuronormative society and medical industrial complex that views our pathologization as a new market to expand to and colonize (and that this tendency hurts lots of allistic people as well - such as black prisoners getting longer sentences after being diagnosed as sociopaths). See also: every marginalized group attempting to define their own oppression as the root of all oppression and eveyrthing else as simply downstream of their own - racism being defined as a form of sexism as criticized by black feminists, or disabled people definng disability as the root form of all bigotry through which all other bigotries are expressed, and the inevitable conclusion taht gets drawn from that that my particular oppression therefore ought to be prioritized because it'll fix everyone else's problem by definition.

    On the discord there was a pretty long stretch of SWERF shit getitng posted that really only came to stop when someone who actually had been trafficked and also did voluntary sex work told people to fuck off. That is the point at which I think there's more of a need to criticize a space being potentially too isolated from things people find discomforting, it does lend itself to that kind of uncriticized perspective that can make one group actively harmful to another because they're developing their politics without needing to consider anyone else's situation. Which, y'know, results in shit like white queers on 196 yelling at black queers for daring to complain about #SayHerName getting used for a pretty white trans girl and completely overshadowing the many black and indigenous women whose murders were going completely unreported on, as had been the hashtag's purpose for years. It's my safe space and I don't have to share it sorta shit.