David Mencer, who was the director of Labour Friends of Isreal before recently moving there, had an extremely normal one when invited on to discuss the growing calls for Labour (and others) to back a genuine ceasefire.

Seriously, it has to be seen to be believed; from his total lack of self-control, absurd rhetoric, and the worst case of long-Corbyn derrangement sysndrome I've ever seen.

Keep in mind that TalkTV is an explicitly right-wing Rupert Murdoch funded news channel here and the host feels compelled to warn, repudiate, lower and eventually cut Mercer's mic in favour of a left-wing Labour activist with a pro-Palestine view.

(Posted here as it seemed most fitting, if it shouldn't be then just let me know - edited with Nitter link)

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    11 months ago

    He handled that perfectly by refusing to engage at all and just pointing out the childish absurdity of David's ranting.

    Amazed at how well the host handled it too, immediately stopped him when he called James a "Jew hater" to give James a chance to respond, then just dropped him from the program altogether