Guess it's just a personal taste thing but the only one of those I said "oh shoot yeah that was particularly good how did I forget that" to was Memories of You. I totally disagree w/r/t to daytime themes, Heartbreak, Heartbreak, Your Affection and Tokyo Daylight all hit better for me.
Fair enough. P5 and Royal both have stellar 10/10 soundtracks so really it is just nostalgia/preference for me ranking 3 over them. Can't wait for my vinyls of 5 and Royal soundtrack to fucking ship hopefully soon. Being able to play Our Light over my speakers as I moodily stare at the ceiling is going to be worth the price alone
Guess it's just a personal taste thing but the only one of those I said "oh shoot yeah that was particularly good how did I forget that" to was Memories of You. I totally disagree w/r/t to daytime themes, Heartbreak, Heartbreak, Your Affection and Tokyo Daylight all hit better for me.
Fair enough. P5 and Royal both have stellar 10/10 soundtracks so really it is just nostalgia/preference for me ranking 3 over them. Can't wait for my vinyls of 5 and Royal soundtrack to fucking ship hopefully soon. Being able to play Our Light over my speakers as I moodily stare at the ceiling is going to be worth the price alone