I'm a baby leftist and still learning. You keep using this phrase. I'm sure I live in it but I'd like to know what Hexbears define as the imperial core.

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    8 months ago

    It's where all the money, resources and surplus value flows to. Since the start of industrial capitalism, essentially only one country has moved from imperialized to imperial core and its Japan. If you look at world trade, imperial core countries tend to trade with their neighbors and with a few other overseas countries. Imperialized countries tend to trade with just one or two far away Imperial core countries. Michael Roberts has a good series on his blog about it if you're curious.

    For an actual list, it's basically what you think it is probably - USA and UK as the top and former top, the rest of western Europe including Scandinavia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan.

    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      8 months ago

      A portion of the super profits extracted from the global south/imperialized countries is passed onto the working class of imperial core countries mostly in the form of very cheap consumer goods.