DescriptivistsPrescriptivists delende est. zLinguistics is literally "We will not end the horror. We will only explain it. has informed me that I posted cringe and I have corrected it
Sorry, I didn't mean to own you. I just don't want people confused.
No, no, it is okay to be owned sometimes. We own, and are owned in turn. Such is the way of the world.
I'm nouning verbs, whatcha gonna do?
Ex: Make health insurance executives an imprison.
If you love verbing nouns so much, why didn't you statement that there's nothing English teachers can action to prevention you? You're existencing inadequate verbnouning levels.
You really think you're safe from English teachers?
Don't make me interpret you
If you want a treat, look up noun incorporation in polysynthetic languages. Or perhaps rather:
if you treatwant, you should nounincorporationinpolysyntheticlanguageslookup
I poo on this take. You will be pooed on. I will be pooing on you. I am the pooer.
Reminds me of this blog post: