• 7bicycles [he/him]
    1 year ago

    but they do happen

    yeah but like what if limiters were a thing?

    and it's best to have people safe tbh

    I guarantee you the safety win from everybody being 10mph slower is gonna be order of magnitudes bigger than whatever hypothetical you could use 10mph more, statistically

    i would never trust a car manufacturer's software that's designed to brick itself to not fuck up when someone's doing 60 on a motorway tbh

    You're gonna run out of options soon enough here, modern cars already have things of this nature in them because they don't work without a load of software helping you out and many won't start if they think something is wrong, roll-over prevention on larger vehicles for example. Sometimes even down to stuff like tyre pressure sensors.

    It's not like I don't see your point here in some way, but that's not a problem specific to speed limiters and if you draw the line there you'd have to reinvent the whole approach to it anyways. God knows I'm not opposed to it.