Ever since Kamala got the VP bid, the liberals have come out of the fucking woodwork and conversations circled back around to Joe Biden's electability. I'm seriously finding it hard to put into words my level of shock at the DNC puppets who genuinely insist that Joe Biden was the more electable candidate, despite the fact that almost 70% of Americans want Medicare for all, affordable housing and affordable education. Joe Biden just openly says that he's against those things, and no one bats a fucking eye.

The thing that gets me the most about all of this: Bernie won the first three states easily. He was considered a favorite to win it all, by far. Then, what, Joe Biden wins South Carolina and the entire media apparatus turns on the guy with the most delegates? A few days later, all other serious candidates drop out and endorse Joe Biden? God, you have to be extremely disingenuous or just not paying attention at all to see what happened here. But liberals think we're conspiracy theorists for pointing out the extremely obvious bullshit. What is your argument against this? How do you keep defaulting to what you think the people believe when all the brain-poisoned ilk do is whatever MSNBC or CNN tells them to do? What the fuck man I just want to get out of this stupid country

  • kijib [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Agree about the cucked voting base of the party not forcing Biden to run on policies the majority of the party and Americans support, but Bernie did not win Iowa or NH easily lol it was close and he technically "lost" Iowa. That was our first warning sign that young people were not showing up in the numbers we needed, or if they were, half of them were stupid enough to vote for Warren or even Pete because he was marketed as the millennial candidate.