I was mentioning the cuban cigar I got the other day at a cigar bar and he said he didn't want "communism in his mouth" and "Cuba could be such a great country for hotels and factories making rum and cigars"
was too fucking real
I was mentioning the cuban cigar I got the other day at a cigar bar and he said he didn't want "communism in his mouth" and "Cuba could be such a great country for hotels and factories making rum and cigars"
was too fucking real
Tell him that Cuba is absolutely, proveably more democratic than the US.
Fidel is (sadly) dead. Cuba is communist not because the ghost of Fidel has an iron grip on the country, but because it's the system that the people themselves want.
Any good sources for that? I’m genuinely curious.
Yep, I got from the Proles of the Round Table podcast, there's an episode about Cuba, sorry don't recall what # it is exactly but pretty sure Cuba is in the title