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  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Fun Fact: Beethoven dedicated his third symphony to Napoleon because he loved the French Revolution and he considered Napoleon to be a based anti-monarchist. When Napoleon declared himself emperor Beethoven withdrew the dedication in rage.

    [H]e broke into a rage and exclaimed, "So he is no more than a common mortal! Now, too, he will tread under foot all the rights of Man, indulge only his ambition; now he will think himself superior to all men, become a tyrant!" Beethoven went to the table, seized the top of the title-page, tore it in half and threw it on the floor. The page had to be recopied, and it was only now that the symphony received the title Sinfonia Eroica.

    • Baar [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Fun music fact: the main theme of that symphony, also known as Eroica, utilizes a C# in the opening motif against E flat melody and harmony. That sets up the end of the movement to go completely against the standard V to I motion standardized in sonata form symphony movements.

      Also, the french horns play the main theme right before the recapitulation, as if it was an error. Some editors have even adjusted the parts to "fix" this, but it was intended by Beethoven.

      I have a music history exam tomorrow and I totally don't feel like I'm overstressed and going to fail, not at all

      • TankieTanuki [he/him]
        3 years ago

        It's an awesome piece. And historical too; it's often described as the turning point between the classical and romantic eras. The point where Beethoven truly began to push the mold.

        I'm going to play it right now. :cat-vibing:

    • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Without Napoleon and his cadre's heroic struggle against the forces of reaction the revolution would've been crushed! A transformative monarchy was the only mechanism in that backward continent to effect true change! Typical bourgeois impudence to resent symbols over the material changes Bonapartism effected on the European continent!

      napoleonic tankie intensifies

  • Coolkidbozzy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    250,000 sailors have been trapped at sea since the pandemic began, for significantly longer than the internationally allowed limit. The suez crash might have been a person who wanted to go home and see their family after being worked to death

    • Woly [any]
      3 years ago

      What does that mean, that they aren't allowed onto land when their ship is at port? I haven't heard anything about that since back in Spring. Last Spring, I mean.

      • Coolkidbozzy [he/him]
        3 years ago

        From what I can tell its still going on. Here's an article from January:

  • Septbear [love/loves]
    3 years ago

    I fully support the megathread moving out of american timezones. The empire must be resisted at all turns. Pin this thread!

  • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I wish i could have constant Suez Canal content fed to me until the WTYP comes out.

    I can't describe why I'm so entertained by this.

    • Grownbravy [they/them]
      3 years ago

      it's just beautifully stupid that a boat going sideways can ruin international trade.

      • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I've seen braindead warhawks try to suggest it was Iran's doing. The best part about this whole thing is all the red nosed state dept guys who have been hoping to start a war over a country closing the canal have just been btfo'd by a bad boat driver.

    • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It's just dumb. The pictures, the fact it drew a huge dick, the large amounts of ships stranded, the halting in world trade. It is just so stupid. Only thing missing is the Trump tweet.

      • inshallah2 [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Only thing missing is the Trump tweet.

        "Very big ship problem in CANAL needs to be fixed!"

  • CommieElon [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Been living homeless out of hotels and camping for the last 3 weeks and I can’t find my laptop I have owned the last 7 years. I don’t know if I completely misplaced it because of the stress and chaos of being on the move for the last few weeks or if it was left behind and stolen.

    It has old pictures from my old phone of when I was college, all of my work stuff, and lectures and papers I did in college. I finally broke down and cried. When you’re working full time and opt to not live in housing because it’s so expensive and commodified. Fuck this country.

  • FeverDream [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    receiving targeted ads for "testicle reduction surgery" and wondering whether it's a compliment.

      • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
        3 years ago

        God, what a bore.

        This is like when people make shit up like Shakespeare actually being a super rich nobleman because a commoner (not that his background was completely dirt poor) couldn't possibly have written those plays.

        Imagine being upset by learning a weird history fact. I remember love reading history books as a kid and finding out that Kings would just fall off horses and die. Makes it feel real.

        There was an Earl called Edward de Vere who has possibly one of the funniest stories in terms of "royal courts" I think I've ever heard.

        "This Earl of Oxford, making of his low obeisance to Queen Elizabeth, happened to let a Fart, at which he was so abashed and ashamed that he went to Travel [for] 7 years. On his return the Queen welcomed him home, and said, 'My Lord, I had forgot the Fart'."

    • Baar [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Even the letters that he sent to his sister (before they grew distant as they aged) were weirdly horny lol

  • Gamer_time [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Cleaning my room :big-cool:

    Got this cool instructional book all about it. It's a bit strange though, it says something about lobsters and the feminine being a dragon of chaos, I don't get what this has to do with using a vacuum properly :very-smart:

  • triangle [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Beethoven was a genius. It's kind of hard to grasp what about him makes his music so good... like any kid plinking at the piano could probably accidentally play Ode To Joy. Bernstein probably has the best analysis of Beethodevn, Beethoven wasn't a great melodist or harmonist, he couldn't write a great fugue, but the one thing he was the GOAT for was "every following note is exactly the right note." And that's all it takes.

    There's a really prolific mathematician called Erdos (pronounced erdish, much as Euler is pronounced oiler and essentially every great mathematicians name is a little confusing haha!). Erdos had this metaphor for a really great proof, "The Book of God." For Erdos, proofs in the Book of God were the most succinct, most natural, most tractable, most intuitive, etc. Every once in a while in studying math, you encounter a truly perfect proof - sometimes they were made thousands of years ago like Euclid's proof of the infinitude of prime numbers.

    All of Beethoven's music are probably in "The Score of God." Every once in a while someone will come along with, between natural ability and dogged persistence, that creates works that are just perfect. Beethoven was one of them. Shakespeare too, Li Bai, Abu Ma'shar, Emmy Noether, all of these people. Honestly, throw Marx and Mao in there too.

  • stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Brian Kemp just rammed through some legislation making voter suppression easier in Georgia, and pigs dragged a POC Georgia dem rep out of the building for trying to stop him

    Funny how this type of stuff is never covered on CNN and MSNBC huh