I make spreadsheets for fun, what is wrong with me?

Literally dozens of spreadsheets just for fun, some I update daily almost like journalling

Also can't this get me a job? Like I don't know if I should do my hobby as a job but working in the spreadsheet mines in a cubical farm sounds like a dream come true

  • SerLava [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah I do stuff with Excel and Google Sheets. I'm not a wiz on them or anything (everyone thinks I am), but I know how to Google and I can use logic to put stuff into columns and do peacemeal operations on them that add up to something more complicated. I have like, occasionally put some javascript into a google sheet that I got from Stack Overflow.

    This has been greatly helpful for getting good jobs and moving up. One time a couple of coworkers said they would need 60 hours over the course of 4 months to manually match two 10,000 row columns together, and just waiting 4 months would have been a bigger problem. It took me like 2 hours to figure out how to do it instantly. Excel fuzzy logic plugin.

    Most people can't use them to save their life. They can like, click the cell, edit the cell. Maybe 50% of people I've run into are at the level of like, "=A2+B2".