Woah Russian bot detected! News flash, it’s dangerous for women online, of course I’m using a fake pfp! I found one hosted by @AWS (like many sites on the internet are), so you can tell Amazon deeply cares about our online safety
Looks like they photoshopped the face onto a different background because the picture of the child is normal. I'm guessing that's where the hair artifacts are from.
That one is also 100% a fake pfp. Check the hair and earrings
Woah Russian bot detected! News flash, it’s dangerous for women online, of course I’m using a fake pfp! I found one hosted by @AWS (like many sites on the internet are), so you can tell Amazon deeply cares about our online safety
Haha lmao the earring is just hovering right under her ear
But that's the new Earring 2.0 from Amazon (tm), GET YOURS NOW!
Looks like they photoshopped the face onto a different background because the picture of the child is normal. I'm guessing that's where the hair artifacts are from.