"The amazon rainforest" as a subject as if suddenly the trees just decide to reverse photosynthesis and emit CO2.
"Humans" who cut down and burn trees cause a particular patch of land that used to be rainforest, a net carbon sink to become a net carbon source
P.S. some of my best friends are humans
The media really does an incredible job twisting language into a pretzel to avoid ever placing the blame where it belongs. It's like the pod says, the atom of propaganda is the emphasis, not the lie :the-podcast:
I had to stop reading climate news months ago because it was having a non-negligible impact on my mental health. Just really bleak stuff.
Bolsonaro is going to read this and say that he was right and ramp up the destruction of Amazon
don't do that, comrade. if you need things to help cope, I get it. but cigs are a bad choice because they're so addictive. better to choose something where you keep the freedom to change your mind later.