I'm trying to find an essay, research, or any deeper analysis about why some people, most often conservatives, don't understand film. One of my FB friends posted this meme and it got me thinking about this phenomena.

Some people watch a film* and take the characters and the story completely at face value. They don't see any deeper message from the director. They don't understand that Goodfellas for example, is not a film about a couple of cool guys. Scorsese is not endorsing their behavior or their values.

Any help diving deeper into this topic is appreciated.

*By the way, you could say the same for literature, but since most people don't read past high school. I wanted to focus my question on film.

ETA: Thanks everyone for engaging with me. I've been a lurker and commenter since the early Reddit days, this was my first post.

  • 5bicycles [he/him]
    3 years ago

    "I'm already am eating from the trash can all the time. The name of this trash can is ideology. The material force of ideology makes me not see what I'm effectively eating. It's not only our reality which enslaves us. The tragedy of our predicament, when we're within ideology is that; when we think that we're escaping into our dreams at that point, we are within ideology."

    It's basically what Zizek keeps harping on about and I'm going to throw out that the man basically will answer your question on that. Ideology is the lense through which we view the world, and as such, all the chuds can hoot 'n holler about the most toxic assholes portrayed in film and identify with them to the point where it doesn't stop with watching the movie, but glorifying them.

    "But the coice between the blue and the red pill is not really a choice between illusion and reality. Of course, Matrix is a machine for fictions, but these are fictions which already structure our reality. If you take away from our reality the fictions that structure it, you lose reality yourself."

    Take Rick, because that's the most online example possible, he's the de facto libertarian dream of what a person is supposed to be, he's so smart and competent he has ascended to godhood over the mere mortals to not only our reality, but reality itself and he got there by all by himself through hard work and IQ.

    It's why the folks in the meme are basically reddit icons, most of them aren't wrong. Anybody would hate to meet these dicks in real life, but embedded in their respective medium they're absolutely correct. Most of the characters portrayed in the meme have one central flaw, they're alienated. Which is what a lot of people feel like, but then these films go on to show about how either that's a good thing or how they use that alienation to become cool badasses who persevere against the odds, which I think is a lie that everybody likes to tell themselves at some point.

    It's basically why there is no anti war movies in mainstream film. You can't make a heros journey that people get invested in and still portray the experience as bad enough that people don't see the appeal in it - the heros journey is all about the struggle against the odds - no matter how much gore and horror you add. Every protagonist friend dying tragically and horribly just adds to the experience. An actual anti war movie would be 60 minutes of a romcom, followed by 30 minutes of pure unaldutered horror where people come out and beat you up while the protagonist dies horribly, having achieved nothing at all. No one would watch it.

    • TheUrbanaSquirrel [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Thanks for your reply, you make a lot of good points. I would definitely watch your version of the anti-war film, but I'm already anti-war.

    • camaron28 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      You just described the Lord of the Rings, thought. An antiwar film that has a hero's journey and everyone has a bad time.

      • 5bicycles [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I do not think people get beat up regularly watching LoTR, even despite completely deserving it.