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    • spectre [he/him]
      3 years ago

      AOC is pretty much example 1A of how far electoralism will take you in the 21st century US. Next step is to do an electoralism, but with some modicum of centralist backing. It still won't be all that effective to slip Kshama Sawant or somebody into the WA state legislature, but it would at least be a proof of concept. Sorta like WOEs compared to full nationalization, I'd see it just a small crumb of semi-revolutionary action that you continue to build from. Cue incrementalism/accelerationism/third-worldism struggle sesh below.

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I think if you are leftist who gets elected, and you don't care about making things better for people and instead just want to use it as a platform to get leftist ideas out there, then being a politician is easy. And this is one way you can go, sure.

      The problem is when you actually want to try and get things done to help people, certainly at least do things for the people in your constituency like I think AOC does. In order to "get things done", you must play ball and make compromises. If you don't any proposal you want to push won't see the light of day. Not to mention the party will make sure you're out of the spotlight. And this is true whether or not AOC was an independent or part of a third party. Gotta work with at least when party when you're in a 2 party system.

      I'm not gonna fault AOC for trying to do what she can to make the lives of the working class better via electoralism. I think she's sincere and I think there's certainly some benefits to having her in the position she's in. I don't envy the position she's in.