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  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It should be more than evident to any self-proclaimed "leftist" by now that electoralism and entryism to "bore within" the Democrats are dead fucking ends.

    The problem is that the American left is overly concerned with the moralism of participating in bourgeois politics. Disciplined communists should be standing independent of the bourgeois parties and be loudly proclaiming their implacable hostility to all aspects of bourgeois governance. Above all, a hypothetical communist party must not at all be concerned with winning bourgeois elections. It should even go so far as to - in the case of communist candidate actually winning seats in Congress - express and practice absolute refusal to participate in bourgeois parliamentarianism, Sinn Fein-style.

    But the American is totally incoherent, undisciplined, and sorely lacking in political education, so they are overly concerned with minimizing the suffering of the working class through opportunistic reform rather than building parallel counter-bourgeois institutions. As a result many "leftists" become seduced by Democratic entryism and endless arguments break out between us over whether or not accelerationism is immoral or practical or electoralism is useless or not and so on.

    The Democrats, once again, are nothing more than Lucy holding the football. Every time they win, they maybe dial the volume down one unit and then push it off for another decade, making endless excuses for why they can't do better or be more ruthless, promising they'll be able to fulfill their shitty promises if we just run up and take another go at kicking the ball the next election cycle. Then they lose to the Republicans. Lesser evilism is a trap, we shouldn't be falling for Lucy's trick but instead be punching her in the face and taking the ball.