Comically evil, yet somehow representative of all vegans in the media. They are 100% propped up by the dairy/meat industry.

  • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
    3 years ago

    Duane Morris litigators share insights from decades of experience representing businesses and institutions that feature or utilize animals or animal products.

    Lol okay, I should trust the lawyers who represent animal ag.

    Nathan Winograd is the director of the No Kill Advocacy Center, who you keep citing, and who published that vid.

    Here's PeTA's response to the Foreign Service agent's accusations

    Oh and look, it's Nathan Winograd

    How often have you heard of veganism itself as a "cult"? How about vegan orgs? How about leftist orgs? I'm so sick of this accusation. I'm not a huge fan of PeTA, but goddamn, seriously? Spending your time painting vegans and vegan orgs as cults is gross.

    Oh what's this, it's Nathan Fucking Winograd.

    I bet you'll never guess, but it's Nathan Winograd again lol.

    Also, the same Anonymous that writes Encyclopedia Dramatica, very nice.

    It seems vegans put up a decent argument at first. They're butthurt over their love for animals and how we're supposed to eat them, and as long as they're not trying to force anyone else into their cult, all is well in the world, right?

    Go ahead and click, they think vegans are as cult like as scientologists. You love to see it.

    Same Anonymous that repeatedly hacks and threatens China, Pro-China Hong Kongers, and North Korea, too.

    Looks like they love also spreading lies from meat lobbying firms. Surprise, surprise.

      • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
        3 years ago

        He's in bed with the Center for Consumer Freedom

        it is not the Center for Consumer Freedom which is thwarting our effort to achieve a No Kill nation or build a better world for companion animals; rather, it is the leaders of organizations who are supposed to protect animals but instead betray them.

        They're fucking meat lobbyists! They promote animal ag! They're responsible for more animal deaths than any damn shelter!

        Funny how you keep spreading propaganda from fucking meat lobbyists and animal ag lawyers