Comically evil, yet somehow representative of all vegans in the media. They are 100% propped up by the dairy/meat industry.

  • Hoodoo [love/loves]
    3 years ago

    Calling PETA bad reveals more about the speaker than PETA...

    PETA Good

  • Ananke77 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Peta good.

    The "comically evil" stuff is astro turfed bullshit fed to you by the meat industry.

  • Ananke77 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I'm starting to think is an op. Ban vocal vegans and end up with mods that regurgitate carnist propaganda.

  • RobotnikFeminism [they/them]
    3 years ago

    PETA are by far the largest and most prominent animal rights group, and while they're not as radical as I'd like them to be, they do qualify as radicals and that's more than you can say for other advocacy groups that would be considered the most prominent in their respective fields, such as the NAACP, HRC, ACLU, etc. They advocate for full abolition of domestication and have always refused to denounce ecoterrorism; you have to respect that even if you aren't a particular fan of them.

    As an animal rights radical, I'm not the biggest PETA supporter because I disagree with their liberal entryism strategy of buying stock in meat companies to encourage more meat substitutes (although I can't deny that it seems to be working after all these years) and because, considering their huge size and amount of resources, I wish they would branch out a little more and cover more conservationist causes instead of focusing almost exclusively on agriculture and domestication. That said, I'm sick of it being in unwritten rule that every carnist has a right to be hostile towards vegans unless they explicitly denounce PETA as if they're on a sex offender registry.

    PETA is still a good org, without them veganism would not be as widespread as it is today, and they're run by smart people who know that being scapegoated by neckbeard r*dditors for attacking vidya is a small price to pay for introducing vegan arguments to people who wouldn't be aware of them otherwise.

    • DashEightMate [any]
      3 years ago

      They advocate for full abolition of domestication and have always refused to denounce ecoterrorism; you have to respect that even if you aren’t a particular fan of them.

      I had no idea about that, that's great.

      I still strongly disagree with their PBC "buying up fast food stocks" approach. I think it's caused some shift within the past few years, but for most companies "vegan option" means "throw a beyond burger on the menu". In many cases, that burger still has animal products such as mayo or milk in the bun. The restaurant's core base is still animal products, and when peta or an individual supports that restaurant the vast majority of their contribution goes towards animal ag.

      I also disagree with their PR approach just because a lot of their stunts at best muddy their core message. As a carnist, "attacking vidya" doesn't give any core message other than "this is so stupid". Even as a vegan, digital animal liberation is tangential at best to irl animal liberation and there are many ways that effort could be better spent. "Unapologetic vegan" works but also, pick your battles.

      Overall, I feel they have a great goal but their methods are at best apologetic and at worst at odds with their end goal.

      • RobotnikFeminism [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Agree totally on the fast food stocks.

        "Digital animal liberation", while a million times less important to real animal liberation, still matters to some extent because of just how absurdly anthropocentric our culture is. We have to keep pushing the argument wherever people go because animal exploitation is everywhere in society. We need to remind people that even though Pokemon is just a collection of pixels, animal baiting is real and nobody does anything to stop it. I get that some people just "want to grill" and watch the proverbial football game without being reminded of politics, but the job of activists is to remind people that the animals (or the victim of whatever issue is being protested) being killed don't have the privilege ignore the issue.

        • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
          3 years ago

          Nathan Winograd is the Adrian Zenz of animal rights orgs

            • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
              3 years ago

              Duane Morris litigators share insights from decades of experience representing businesses and institutions that feature or utilize animals or animal products.

              Lol okay, I should trust the lawyers who represent animal ag.

              Nathan Winograd is the director of the No Kill Advocacy Center, who you keep citing, and who published that vid.

              Here's PeTA's response to the Foreign Service agent's accusations


              Oh and look, it's Nathan Winograd


              How often have you heard of veganism itself as a "cult"? How about vegan orgs? How about leftist orgs? I'm so sick of this accusation. I'm not a huge fan of PeTA, but goddamn, seriously? Spending your time painting vegans and vegan orgs as cults is gross.

              Oh what's this, it's Nathan Fucking Winograd.


              I bet you'll never guess, but it's Nathan Winograd again lol.


              Also, the same Anonymous that writes Encyclopedia Dramatica, very nice.

              It seems vegans put up a decent argument at first. They're butthurt over their love for animals and how we're supposed to eat them, and as long as they're not trying to force anyone else into their cult, all is well in the world, right?

              Go ahead and click, they think vegans are as cult like as scientologists. You love to see it.

              Same Anonymous that repeatedly hacks and threatens China, Pro-China Hong Kongers, and North Korea, too.

              Looks like they love also spreading lies from meat lobbying firms. Surprise, surprise.


                • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
                  3 years ago

                  He's in bed with the Center for Consumer Freedom



                  it is not the Center for Consumer Freedom which is thwarting our effort to achieve a No Kill nation or build a better world for companion animals; rather, it is the leaders of organizations who are supposed to protect animals but instead betray them.

                  They're fucking meat lobbyists! They promote animal ag! They're responsible for more animal deaths than any damn shelter!


                  Funny how you keep spreading propaganda from fucking meat lobbyists and animal ag lawyers

  • booty [he/him]
    3 years ago

    PETA is not "comically evil" you're just holding on to dumb lib carnist propaganda. PETA is unambiguously good and has done far more for veganism than you.

    • Ploumeister [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Dude they don’t even claim to be anti-capitalist, how can you claim to care about animal liberation and not oppose the system that oppresses animals in mass for their endless need for consumption?

      • booty [he/him]
        3 years ago

        i dont even understand what you're trying to say here. they're an organization, not a person, they dont have to publicly pledge support to all the things you support in order to do good work

        • Ploumeister [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Yes I don’t deny they do some good work but you would think they would understand how much capitalism affects the treatment of animals, also I said anti-capitalist because I don’t expect them to be full blown communists just do the bare minimum of denouncing a system plays a huge role in animal exploitation.

      • RobotnikFeminism [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Threads like this prove that anthropocenrism transcends capitalism vs. socialism. There are a lot of self-proclaimed communists who would choose a capitalism with burgers over a truly ecological socialism that recognizes the rights of nonhuman animals to not be killed.

  • all_or_nothing [they/them,she/her]
    3 years ago

    Comically evil

    ??? having mockable messaging and the occasional bad take doesn't make an org "comically evil"

    here's a fun game, look up all the ag gag laws that have been struck down in the US and count how many times PETA was in involved in the lawsuit

    they do good work

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    whomever runs their PR stuff does an incredible job. Whenever they post or do something insane it gets shared like crazy. Endless dunks and quote tweets but the actual message is being spread like wildfire, a lot of people seem to fall for exactly what they're trying to do without realizing it.

    • Ploumeister [he/him]
      3 years ago

      But by using outrage bs it only further smears the already stereotyped image of vegans while distracting from the actual message that vegans are trying to send

      • vccx [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Every shitpost is a pile of burr seeds waiting to be spread by dumb libs

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        3 years ago

        that's a fair point, i don't have strong feelings about them one way or another to be honest. i can completely agree with that take though

  • posadist [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The based ones are often called comically evil. There’s nothing as evil as people wanting to end exploitation according to certain sections of popular media.

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I feel like PETA : vegans as Greenpeace : Environmentalists

  • Lord_ofThe_FLIES [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Na they get it, you have to piss people off to be seen. Just like here. That's why PETA is the face of veganism in media, they're hard to ignore. All the other orgs might be nicer, but they don't get coverage, so what's the point? Critical support to PETA

    • DashEightMate [any]
      3 years ago

      I don't think peta is pissing others off moreso than just being laughingstock. I'm sure a lot of that is amplified by carnist media but at the same time pick your battles. I didn't realize the work they did in terms of legislation/lawsuits but their PR department at the very least is ran by buffoons and gives the rest of the org a bad name.

      • Lord_ofThe_FLIES [he/him]
        3 years ago

        How many other animal liberation orgs can you name on the drop of the hat? What about omnis? There's no way any vegan org would get positive PR in carnist media, so bad PR is better than no PR imo

    • DashEightMate [any]
      3 years ago

      Peta constantly does these stupid stunts like get mad at animal crossing for including fishing, shit like that. They're also portrayed as the "typical vegan" throughout the media so anything you bring up veganism many people think of Peta and therefore those "crazy vegoons" stunts. Just a constant laughing stock ("People Eating Tasty Animals") and as a result nobody takes veganism as a whole seriously either. Sometimes they do things that are kinda good but given their public perception either they're an op or their leadership is playing directly into the hands of the animal ag industry.

      Edit: not to mention their horrendous takes on PBC. You're not a vegan org if you encourage people to give KFC money because they have vegan chicken substitute

      • vorenza [any]
        3 years ago

        -Every organization says and does dumb shit from time to time, propaganda determines how much of that dumb shit will be used to paint your body of work

        -PETA being portrayed as cuckoo vegans is the result of them being the most prominent animal rights organization, if the most prominent one was any other "completely logical" organization they would suffer the same fate

      • chair [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Pretty sure this happened twice in the last 40 years and one of them was completely understandable

        • vorenza [any]
          3 years ago

          Meat industry propaganda on c/vegan? More likely than you think