Why don't you just link them? You said you have everything archived, but you dont want to take 5 seconds to link the one thing that would shut me up immediately?
Why would that get you banned? It's not against the rules to link to posts, and the mods would thank you for bringing the disinformation to their attention.
Why do you crow so loudly about this all the supposed proof you have, only to clam up when asked to actually produce it? There's absolutely nothing stopping you from completely BTFOing me right now.
What site?
The other notorious one is lausan (impossible to fall for the disinformation of ghouls like wilfred chan):
Those are twitter threads tho. Which users here were shilling for them?
Search the names on this site and see what you get. And admit you were wrong.
Why don't you just link them? You said you have everything archived, but you dont want to take 5 seconds to link the one thing that would shut me up immediately?
Because you know that would get me banned. Get a hobby and stop harassing those speaking against blatant disinfo.
Why would that get you banned? It's not against the rules to link to posts, and the mods would thank you for bringing the disinformation to their attention.
Why do you crow so loudly about this all the supposed proof you have, only to clam up when asked to actually produce it? There's absolutely nothing stopping you from completely BTFOing me right now.
There's literally no good reason not to link it.