FSEngine [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2020


  • I'm an Asian guy, and I promise you if someone called me Winnie the Pooh, my first thought would be they're calling me kinda pudgy, not be that they're being racist. But no one would ever call me Winnie the Pooh, because there's no context for anyone here to call me or any other given Asian person Winnie the Pooh. It's not the n word for Asian people, it's not any of those established slurs that are otherwise innocuous but in the context of Asian people turn extremely racist, it's not calling me Chang or whatever because my eyes are a little slanted, it's not accusing me of bringing coronavirus to America and then intimidating or assaulting me. The context for this is "a world leader is a little too sensitive about a meme and John Oliver (or his writers) thought that was funny and now so do libs who have a knee jerk negative reaction to China". No violence is being done towards Asian people as a whole when someone calls Xi Winnie the Pooh. It's just libs doing their cringey Trump = Voldemort thing, except for a different guy. There's Sinophobic and broader orientalist ideas that translate into legitimate instances of modern day "subtle" anti-Asian racism. This is not one of those instances.

  • i wanted to look into this because, as much as israel sucks shit, the thought process suggested in this post is just so explosively unbelievable to me. i did reverse image searches for each pic and found nothing. i did a search for protests in tel aviv about settlers and/or palestinians and/or court orders and all i found were a) many stories about anti-netanyahu protests and b) one story about an israeli supreme court decision that denied the legality of a subset of israeli settlements on palestinian land, the word 'protest' never used except in reference to a palestinian man. i'm not saying this person used pictures from an unrelated protest to lie about a group of people who write in a script most people on twitter can't read, but i'm skeptical. i hate to be a "source?" guy but i do have to ask if anyone here has links to news stories on recent pro-settlement protests and sources for these pictures