FemmeFeminist [any]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2022


  • This short summary doesn’t get into the worst stuff he did. The DOJ only highlights that the women were in the country illegally, but there’s a longer document with testimony from the victims. It’s real bad.

    To summarize what I remember (apologies if I have any details wrong I read the document a couple years ago), he would essentially lie to young Eastern European women, telling them they’d get to work as nannies for rich families for a summer and go to the beach and Disneyworld on their days off.

    They’d get to Florida and instead find themselves handed a shitty hotel maid job and forced to live in a condo barracks style with like 6+ girls and women in a small condo. I think they also had to pay Justin rent to live there. Like over $200-$300 in the early 2000s to split a condo eight ways.

    The women also testified about being forced to lie on their time cards so that they wouldn’t get the overtime the year qualified for when they all worked at least six days a week.

    Despite working much more than they expected, most of the women came home with no money since Justin charged them a massive $2000ish visa fee that was complete bs since he lying on the visas anyways and describing the girls as coming for cultural enrichment/education.

    He got away with this for years since most of these girls just wanted to go home after being exploited for a summer/months.

    I would be willing to forgive even a disgusting capitalist wage thief like this if he showed real contrition, but for years he tried to spin his conviction like he was helping desperate people get into the US when that is definitely not the case. I couldn’t read the article because he charged for it, but he wrote some piece like “Why I Decided to Put Down the Gun and Take up the Pen” that from what I can tell, heavily implies that he was arrested for fighting against unjust state boundaries not for stealing wages from young women who wanted a fun visit to another country.

    I haven’t watched a lot of his content, but I’m deeply suspicious of a guy like this. Maybe he’s apologized now, but he tried to paint himself as some kind of anarchist anti authoritarian immigration law hero for months if not years. I think there’s a lot of male and western chauvinism that goes into assuming that working twelve hours shifts in America for no take home pay is “saving” someone.

  • FemmeFeminist [any]tochapotraphouse*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    So when people looked into this, apparently the most likely explanation is that Nestor is actually his biological son. I think Nestor’s mom lived with the Gaetz family when she was about 13 and Gaetz was about 19 (I also think Gaetz dated her older sister at some point).

    I think they sent her away when she got pregnant, but the Gaetz family has basically been doing stuff for Nestor for years. Probably in exchange for her keeping his parentage a secret.

    TLDR Gaetz is most likely a bog standard straight pedo not a gay/bi one.

  • Remember the attack helicopter meme?

    Destiny literally “came out” as gender fluid or something to win an argument. Basically, an I identify as someone who gets to do transphobia moment. If anyone is pushing the boundaries of self identification too far, it’s this greasy weirdo and his brainless fans.

    Who needs to debate Destiny in order for him to stop making incel rage bait for his fans to spam all over Reddit? Are thirst trap streamers “the left” lol?

  • Before I share this hot take, I want to clarify that I support all forms of gender identity and expression and am myself something of a noncommittal nb.

    IMO There’s a particular type of contrarian who, in the face of being rightfully called out for their queer/transphobia, chooses that moment to “come out” as some type of gender identity.

    For example, I’m pretty sure Destiny’s nb declaration coincides with him saying horrible things about trans people and being dismissive of why someone else felt the need to describe themselves as such (don’t quote me on this. My only engagement with that idiot is from the constant spam from his Reddit simps). Suddenly the story was instead about how HE is a enby and therefore has leeway to police other people and say transphobic things about them.

    I think cishets are unaware of the variety of different gender identities and also are way too eager to ascribe a lot of import to anything to do with pronouns. Like, as someone who uses pronouns I mostly use it as a shorthand for other queer identities, but my usage isn’t the same as a binary trans person or even an nb who doesn’t want to be identified with their assigned gender at birth. I don’t get to say that all they/thems don’t need medical gender transition care because I choose not to use it.

    If I choose to be as credulous as the media and assume this person is an nb, that doesn’t preclude them from being a violent genocidal queerphobe. There are even plenty of aggressively stupid queer people who choose to believe what the queerphobic media says about other queer people. The genocidal rhetoric of the media is still at fault for escalation.

  • So, I actually know what this means.

    While lurking on sites for fascist children, I saw a couple posts showing blond Ukrainian children in traditional dress set against blond Russian children in traditional dress with “Remember the real enemy” as a caption.

    The implication from the comments is that this war is a Jewish conspiracy to kill white people. They most likely are an internet nazi who thinks (((they))) are controlling both Putin and NATO.

  • I suspect Glenn Greenwald and Matt Gaetz have a lot in common in terms of the types of personal rights they want to protect. Greenwald married a 19 year old in his late thirties. I just feel he’s always been a libertarian, and people are just now seeing how those allegiances shake out.

    I don’t want to make any accusations, but I think there’s a type of privileged rich queer person who knows their attention from younger people would dry up in a less homophobic and more equitable society. This dynamic is way more commonly exploited by straight cis men in their sexcapades, and many men are correct in their fears that a just state would replace the bare minimum they put into relationships very easily.

  • So I love terrible zines, and I read this entire thing. I might write a longer review later, but I’ll summarize the argument as having three strands woven together mostly incoherently.

    1 The author brings the full weight of philosophy 101 and out of context Latin to argue there such a thing as inherent human life/worth and a that zygote (not fetus, zygote) fulfills these qualification. Like all debate nerds, this person just assumes that everyone will agree with their poorly constructed syllogisms and declares her argument as objectively correct before moving on.

    2 She points out abortion has historic ties to eugenicist movements, and therefore, it is anti black or ablest to support abortion rights. This conversation is better tackled by the reproductive justice movement which advocates for creating conditions where reproduction is truly a choice. In this zine, the author borderline conflates free abortion with forced sterilization.

    3 A lot of magical wombmanhood thinking in which the author assumes that, because it’s natural, all women, would be happy and fulfilled by having a child in any circumstance as long as there is paid maternal leave and free childcare. This includes victims of rape and incest.

    The author argues that capitalism wants women to get abortions, so they can continue working, which is true for a person’s immediate employer, but she forgets other forces which want to increase the number of “domestic infants” something Barrett even brought up in her concurrence. The writer is very tied to the idea that abortion is capitalism forcing women to never fulfill their dreams of motherhood and that women can’t give informed consent to abortion because they don’t fully understand their options. I think she’d be surprised to learn that the average abortion patient already has children and might be making that choice because they love their children and want to control how their family operates. She is also anti adoption, so it’s very much about believing in magical motherhood.

    In essence, a lot of this feels like bizzaro world terfism where a gay femme for whom potentially procreative sex is most likely hypothetical wants to use woke buzzwords divorced from their material context to deny other people’s bodily autonomy.

    I also feel like she might be into some weird pregnancy porn (not that there’s anything wrong with that). I just get that vibe.

  • I agree with everyone who likes the old face better, but I think everyone is forgetting the very public debacle with Elliot Page over this design. (Article is from before he transitioned and misgenders him.) Basically, the design was pretty obviously inspired by his performance/appearance in Juno to the point where a huge number of fans assumed he was involved.

    People also gave him a lot of shit for being upset, and I remember a lot of people claiming he was bitter since the game he was actually starring in, Beyond Two Souls, was less well received. Naughty Dog is probably more aware of the potential legal trouble since Page’s comments on not wanting his likeness in the game are now pre-development/release.

  • I find it absolutely hilarious and disgusting that this woman who is a professional fascist who deliberately insights violent mobs against queer teachers has the audacity to cry about being doxxed.

    This tweet sums it up, but from Lorenz’s Twitter there are queer teachers, exploited and underpaid workers without the added don’t ask don’t tell bullshit states are trying to pass, who’ve been fired and people named “kill all Marxist teachers” have threatened to shoot up school boards because of this accounts videos. Meanwhile this vile real estate parasite turned professional poster is shitting her pants because the least threatening lib journalist in the country tried to get an in person interview.