FunkyButtLovin [comrade/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022

  • The following applies to the US Army as of 20+ years ago, but I doubt it has changed a whole lot since:

    As far as I'm aware there are 3 main paths to becoming an officer: 1) West Point 2) ROTC and 3) OCS.

    1. West Pointers are by far the most numerous, and they typically come from wealthier communities, especially in the NE. West Point is considered to be a top notch school, and the majority of people who go there to be upper crust types who later spend the minimum amount of time they need to be in, and then get out and go work on Wall Street or whatever. Some stay in and make it a career, of course, and these represent most of those above the rank of Captain.

    2. ROTC - These are people who come from college ROTC programs and are more rare. I think they probably come from a range of different backgrounds.

    3. OCS - Officer Candidate School - These are basically NCOs who became officers through the OCS program. These are also rare I think, but officers who go this route generally get more respect from enlisted ranks for obvious reasons.

  • Know of any grounded articles or videos that cover this well? By grounded I mean not wild Alex Jones-like stories of remote control planes and explosives planted by in the towers. I’ve always been suspicious of it and especially the Saudi role, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of evidence for some of these claims that certain 9-11 truthers have put forward.

  • “Back in the day, like before the woke era, I actually got canceled for this,” she said in the interview, referring to the photo. “I was trying to be like, all integrity, and start my career, and it was like ‘Grimes Gone Wild’ or something, and it was just this like, super wack, mean story, and it was like this meme which was going all over the internet,” she says. She’d just released her breakout album Visions a few months prior, which won a bunch of awards.

    She kinda reminds me of the doctor from Idiocracy.

  • Good post :rat-salute:

    Also, I think maybe we do shit on trots a bit too much sometimes? I'm not one myself, but I do respect groups like :SAlt: and the various trot websites out there that collect and publish important stuff like

    Also Posadas was a trot, and I'm like 99% sure Roddenberry based the lore of Star Trek on his ideas, so maybe we owe them a little credit for helping with that as well.

  • I think the morality of an action should be primarily determined by the expected real world material consequences of said action, either positive or negative. Doing anything just for the sake of purity is silly, and can often itself be immoral if the outcome would have likely had a positive impact otherwise. Related to your question, it depends. Would you be directly making someone's situation worse? In that case, it would obviously be bad. Would a specific act of participation in capitalism benefit you or people/groups you care about while having an inconsequential impact on the capitalist system as a whole? (making money from stocks might be an example of this) Then it might be worth it to take advantage. You'd have to look at each situation independently and weigh the benefits and drawbacks. Also, as far as the argument around class loyalty goes, I think it really will be socialism or barbarism no matter how financially secure you think you are, so you should support the overthrow of capitalism no matter what.

  • The truly amazing part is being able to actually discuss things with people in good faith instead of constantly dealing with the shitstain debatelords on reddit. Interacting with this site actually makes me feel good instead of just angry.