The insistence on wearing the discount GI Joe outfit is one thing, but the fact that he has obviously been bulking up and trying to look like a military strongman is hilarious - compare him now to when he first came to office (even at the start of the conflict) and looked like mashed potato squeezed into a tight H&M t-shirt.
Except that the other person involved made a statement that there was nothing untoward and the police said there was no evidence for any type of prosecution, despite the hollering and screeching from all corners of the media.
This is only The Scum (the newspaper that printed the allegations) up to their old tricks, blatantly making shit up and outing people against their wishes knowing fine well that it will cause anguish and distress, purely to sell newspapers. An absolute fucking rag of a newspaper that should be destroyed along with anyone who links their stories, works for them, or has worked for them.