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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • Of course, it is not always possible to avoid over-committing as sometimes the business calls for it.

    Well that sounds like lazy acceptance of a bad situation for your team.

    No mention of fighting for better terms for the team. If the business calls for over-committing you team, you or someone else in management have failed. Such a commitment may be indeed be unavoidable in that situation, but your job as a manager is to fight for your team to be additionally compensated for such an over-commitment.

  • Is having a consistent domain language across the board important? Yes, obviously it’s a huge benefit in communication and in maintainability.

    Is not following that convention, in and of itself, a huge problem? Probably not, so long as the primary parties understand the differences between separate aspects (such as the database using a different word order), although the documentation needs to explain this.

    Is not being able to get an agreement on a consistent domain language that everyone will follow a problem for development? Yes. Huge. Crippling. It reeks of poor, indecisive management at the top project level, and petty interdepartmental squabbling all the way down. It’s a huge red flag as to a company’s ability to deliver. It’s not that difficult a thing to get agreement on or to enforce, as it’s entirely visible. If a project can’t do that, it’s not going to be able to do the things that are actually difficult.