Koi [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2020


  • Koi [any]tonewsMods at r/antiwork just set it to private.
    2 years ago

    homie that mod may have well been a psyop with how surgically perfect it fed inti right wing propaganda. i cannot imagine a worse representation of this movement or leftism in general and fox news got handed it on a silver platter.

    the spooks could literally brainstorm for months and not come up with a better way to sabotage that community than what the lead mod did themselves.

    lol and lmao.

  • while i probably would just pigpoopballs the interview… we should not be so quick to forget that a lot of the proletariat are working people watching fox news. people who deep down know they are exploited by their bosses, people who know something is wrong. we need to convince them. we do. no one wants to admit it but if we want working class solidarity and class war, those are our allies and we need to get through to them.

    this was an opportunity to do that and the worst possible outcome is happening because of this reddit mod.

  • I don’t mean to diminish the transphobia present, or from the typical reddit shitfest.

    but. they deserve a LOT of the disappointment facing them. this was 100% a fuck up. they never should have been on that show, and that mod has no place in any leadership role or public facing role.

    WE NEED TO DO BETTER. we do not win a war with mealy mouthed losers. the proletariat are strong, we work hard, we deserve and need representation that actually showcases that.

    this was a completely pathetic interview that just destroyed a million plus member strong movement. in one fell swoop. i do not exaggerate how bad this is for the left.

    yes we want to make sure everyone had a place, that people like that mod have a place in society and are not forced to labour for someone else’s profits but this is so so so so bad. to the point where it could genuinely be an op because it was so perfectly terrible.

    i hope my comment isn’t taken poorly, i do not want to disparage anyone unjustly. this is not an attack on anyone’s identity, but on their ACTIONS.

  • has it though? where are you seeing this increased usage? I checked google analytics and it does show a steady increase <see here> so maybe you're right, but it's still pretty subtle. I think this might be endemic to whatever content you're looking at tbh

    edit: localizing the data to canada or the usa flattens the graph even more, look at the past 5 years or past year for the usa in trends and it's very stable