Warning: extremely toxic thread

I thought there was an antiwork community here? Anyways I'm not sure where to put this. Just kinda sucks that the interview didn't go well and that people are shitting on this person and misgendering her for not being a white male factory worker or something.

/r/antiwork is kind of in shambles rn because the mods are trying keep the discourse from spinning out of control but a ton of people there are being transphobic and turning on the mods, and of course the mods are being accused of being authoritarian for trying to run the sub.

I hope the sub can bounce back, but it's a dark day in there for sure.

    • kristina [she/her]
      2 years ago

      i kinda think its risk taking behavior, especially with how theyre responding to the situation. hope theyre doing right mentally :soviet-heart:

    • Koi [any]
      2 years ago

      this person should never have taken a position of leadership. this is embarrassing.

    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I don’t really care if people thought I should have presented myself better.

      Based. Fuck society's bullshit expectations. So what I don't stare into your eyes? So what I make myself comfortable by wearing comfy clothes and rocking in my chair? How does that affect you? How does that affect our conversation?

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Making a fool of yourself on the premier propaganda outlet of Capitalism is an unforced error. And calling it an unforced error is extremely, extremely generous.

        • eduardog3000 [he/him]
          2 years ago

          "Making a fool of yourself."

          That's ableist bullshit. There's nothing "foolish" about not glaring someone in the eyes constantly, there's nothing foolish about wearing comfortable casual clothes, and there's nothing foolish about rocking for comfort.

          What's foolish is expecting people to conform to some bullshit standards that make no difference to the conversation.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            2 years ago

            When you go to war you don't argue with the clouds about the weather. If it's raining it's raining. Refusing to so much as comb your hair and put on a nice shirt is doing the enemy's work for them. If you don't like it then don't put yourself in a leadership role, or put yourself out as spokesperson for a movement.

            • eduardog3000 [he/him]
              2 years ago

              "You must conform to societal expectations before you speak out against societal expectations."

              Do you not realize how bullshit that is?

              Also their hair looks perfectly fine. I've seen Bernie's hair wilder and nobody (besides a couple libs on Twitter maybe) said he lost credibility because of it. And their shirt is just a black hoodie, like completely neutral.

              • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                2 years ago

                I'm fully aware that it's bullshit, and I also understand that it doesn't matter. The only reason to do a mass media interview is for propaganda purposes. For that propaganda to be effective you need to pander to the expectations of your audience. Refusing to do so is egoistic foolishness.

                  • SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]
                    2 years ago

                    that make no difference to the conversation.

                    " that make no difference to the conversation."

                    it made a huge difference to the conversation regarding the interview lol. clearly.

                    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
                      2 years ago

                      The interview was a mistake. What's ableist is saying it's because they weren't looking at the camera, were rocking, or wore a comfy hoodie.

                      it made a huge difference to the conversation regarding the interview lol. clearly.

                      It makes no difference to the interview, to the conversation about anti-work.

                      • SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]
                        2 years ago

                        well i wish i lived in your world where optics are made up and fake. however half the conversation is about how unprepared they were including presentation. does it materially matter? no. does it matter to 95% of the conversation people are having related to this interview? yes. it does. whether you think that its right or not

                        • eduardog3000 [he/him]
                          2 years ago

                          however half the conversation is about how unprepared they were including presentation.

                          Except the presentation wouldn't have mattered if they were actually prepared to answer questions, that's the point. That "95% of the conversation people are having related to this interview" is abelism, that's the point.

                          And fuck your "optics". "Optics" is lib shit used to put down people who don't conform.

                          • SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]
                            2 years ago

                            ok well best of luck organizing a nation changing strike with total disregard for even basic PR in the capitalist hegemonic core. hope it works out

          • Abraxiel
            2 years ago

            Removed by mod

      • OrthoMarxist [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        This is literally idealism.

        Good for you that you think it shouldn't matter and I agree, but it does matter. This was incredibly stupid and arrogant.