LilithLightlySalted [she/her,they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 23rd, 2020

  • Fondly remember all the nonsense I've done in FTL, buying stun bomb with stealth B, paying the toll with Rock C, leaving my mantis behind with Mantis B. Always fun to see what the newest "worst thing I've been forced into doing" is. To do my flexing though I've got hard no pause wins with every ship other than Slug B, been playing the multiverse mod a bunch (and doing other stuff) rather than grinding it out. Slug B is real tough when you're just starting out with it since you need to be really good before it becomes an ok ship.

  • He seems a little lib (informed both on past vids and on this latest one), but he seems to be on the way to getting radicalized.

    (if you don't want to click on the twitter links:

    [QRT of a video of a 17 year old being tased for maybe vaping]

    Torturing a child in public for sport. It’s really striking that by the end of these clips there are at least 16 oink oinks on the scene doing “crowd control” for shit that they instigated. Just escalating violence for literally no reason.

    (second link)

    Canada actively participated in a genocide up until at least the 1970s, perhaps as late as the 1990s. It's becoming clear that the scope is way worse than previously known (but long suspected.)

  • My popular opinion is Team Fortress 2 (for multiplayer. if we're talking singeplayer yeah probably hl2). I find most of the shooters more in the vein of Call of Duty & Battlefield to be all kinda samey. I like Halo a lot, but the slow movement combined with the slow time to kill force me to agonizingly wait until I die after making a tiny mistake, or to just lose a battle rifle aim duel with little feedback on what's happening, which ends up making me very frustrated. TF2, despite its age, bloat, and frequently shit community, has a very solid core gameplay using hit-or-miss weapons and almost every time I die I actually understand why it happened (even if it was just wrong place at the wrong time). I highly recommend Lazypurple's video on the subject if you want more elaboration. If you are interested in the game but are put off by the valve matchmaking servers you should try the servers or youtuber Uncle Dane's 'Danetopia' servers, that get rid of the random elements of TF2 and don't seem to have nazis in them (if you have more server recommendations please drop them!).

    The actual reason why I like TF2 is because I can beat people to death with a sign that has the shut the fuck up terf meme on it.