RedDiamond [she/her,they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2020


  • As a trans woman currently on E, hormones may very well be aggravating her tendency towards edgy bad takes and cringe humor. Being on estrogen feels like being a teenager again and the person just has to deal with a warping, painful, spiritual experience discovering their body and sexuality; building a person where there had been a formless blob and finally being born after 25 odd years in the womb. Personally, I feel such a lack of continuity with my memories of previous life, that I think of that person as my dead father.

    She is feeling angst and going through mood swings, feeling shame and regret, disgust and desire; a shifting and heaving identity, as her mind and body undergoes a beautiful and terrifying metamorphosis. And I haven’t even had surgery. While she is objectively an adult, and needs to take responsibility for her words, I think it’s worth it to be kinder to a person who is currently going through puberty.

  • RedDiamond [she/her,they/them]
    tophilosophyWe need to end human death
    4 years ago

    I want your desire to be honored but I just can't help wanting to cling to your hand and keep you here. I am on estrogen and sometimes I just project my intense motherly urges on everyone around me. It hurts my heart and leaves me cold and shaking with my hands and knees on the floor, chittering that I don't want you to be dismantled and I'm afraid of the final, inevitable rape of my body and self as they are violently flung apart. I don't know how I should feel. I'm holding you and tears are streaming down my tiny arms as I try to drag you out of the jaw and tell you I need you.

  • I don't agree with the implication that there are certain proper stages of development for a human being. I'm an autistic woman and I've been bombarded with the idea that I'm a degenerate because I'm disabled, or that I don't belong in the world because I don't resemble traditional ideas of what a person should be; that I am a burden on society or a threat to people because of who and what I am. I think we need to look outside the ableist box for terms that apply to people with shitty opinions who treat others like shit.

    My grandpa always called people he didn't like "shit-birds". Maybe we can go with that.

  • RedDiamond [she/her,they/them]tomainI will show you fear in a handful of dust
    4 years ago

    I agree. What I am most afraid of is that the bourgeoisie has grown a class consciousness of its own, and understands its position as an aristocracy in decline. A class-conscious bourgeoisie is capable of acting collectively and forming a plan by which they might consolidate a type of state that enforces capitalist relations at gunpoint in perpetuity. Nazi Germany is the crystallization of such a condition.

  • RedDiamond [she/her,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    At least I've got my boyfriend. We fuck a lot, though his libido isn't quite on the level of mine. For the rest of the work I have boli blog comics lol. A Polish national treasure.