WallOfBacon [none/use name]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2023

  • You’re putting a lot of words in my mouth, there. Doing a lot of reworking what NFT Avatar and Other Dude actually said, too.

    While the misogynist comment was uncalled for, I'm simply extending the same good faith that we'd extend to a woman in a similar situation.

    Deeper mental health problems can - and in this specific case do - have an ideological component. I don’t know what to tell you besides, “mainstream western culture is is at best permissive of hardcore misogyny and at worst overtly supportive of it, so of fucking course it’s a load-bearing part of the most common ideologies that capitalize on men’s loneliness.”

    Right, western culture of misogyny fuels mental health problems. So we should unpack those and realize that both men and women having sexual hangups is not a moral failing on their part.

    The findings confirm that PCD is under‐recognized and under‐researched. There appears to be no relationship between PCD and intimacy in close relationships.

    A study on women found that PCD is not correlated with intimacy but occurs regardless. Your statement that this is ideological and rooted in men's loneliness is incomplete because PCD occurs at similar rates in both men and women. It also doesn't account for the many non-ideological correlations for PCD as mentioned in my previous comment.

  • If the post-nut feeling is clarity, then what does it say when that clarity involves you being disgusted by your partner to the point of not being able to look at them?

    I don't know, what potentially traumatic event could lead someone to have negative feelings about sex or a sense of shame around it?

    And they like cuddling after sex. That’s a need they have and I’m happy to meet it

    That's great. You both seem to be happy in that regard. Now imagine if your partner said there was something inherently wrong with you if you weren't okay with cuddling sometimes. Imagine if your feelings on the matter were considered secondary and indicative of a moral failing rather than personal preference or a deeper emotional issue.

    To then go online and talk about how unattractive they are is intensely unempathetic and in this case betrays misogyny.

    "I feel like an animal" does not equal "My partner is ugly." It sounds like to me they're not blaming their partner at all but themselves. We can make the abstraction that post-partum depression doesn't mean you hate your child because brain chemicals can be fucky. But a man having problems after sex must mean they secretly hate their partner.

  • It's amazing we can understand that a woman feeling uncomfortable after sex might be due to deeper mental health problems but a man must be a misogynist.

    PCD is associated with current psychological distress, sexual abuse, and other sexual dysfunctions in both men and women. Men aren't raging sex machines and in fact have hangups and anxiety over sex too.

  • PCD is a documented and studied condition that correlates with both high stress, sexual abuse, and other sexual dysfunctions in both men and women.

    If a woman said "After sex, I feel uncomfortable and don't want to look at my partner" not a single person here would try to contradict that and deny their experience. God, even the left can't even consider that men might have mental health issues and aren't just raging sex machines.

  • A lot of these responses say to me y'all aren't even a little bit self aware.

    If I read out some of the shit you say when you're horny or lovey-dovey then you'd cringe yourselves to death. If you talked to anyone else but your lover in this way you'd look like the biggest goofball goober in the world. Realizing that horniness changes your brain state to do some embarrassing things in retrospect does not make someone a serial killer lol.

  • WallOfBacon [none/use name]tochapotraphouseLawyers > Cops
    1 year ago

    To a certain extent but 95% of company lawyers and a plurality of divorce attorneys are human shitbags.

    It's like that airline attorney arguing that they shouldn't have to pay restitution because the people in the airplane died instantly on impact. Lawyers attempt to defend corporate murder on a technicality.

  • WallOfBacon [none/use name]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    those poor kids will have to get vape juice instead of cigarettes. the horror.

    ok so propose a law about vape shit you unfunny clown.

    Criticize it for not having broad enough scope if you want but “this anti-smoking law doesn’t address vapes” is totally irrelevant.

    Hexbear don't bring up a topic and then complain about the topic you brought up not being relevant to the conversation challenge impossible 100% fail.

  • WallOfBacon [none/use name]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    "Hey do you know a plug?" - People with access to a device that allows them to communicate with thousands of people without leaving their home.

    I'll be honest, I don't know how they'll be able to do it. Guess that's why no has access to marijuana in illegal states because it's just so hard to find a plug.

  • WallOfBacon [none/use name]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    smdh going to bat for *cigarettes *

    Yes, we should make cigarettes extremely hard to purchase. We should also ban advertising for ciggs and the vast majority of the chemicals they put in them. No flavours, no methnol, no colourful packaging. - WallOfBacon

    Hexbear read literally anything challenge impossible. I want to prevent children from ingesting harmful chemicals regardless if the delivery mechanism is smoke or vapour.

  • WallOfBacon [none/use name]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    those poor kids will have to get vape juice instead of cigarettes. the horror.

    Hating young people that smoke ciggs but supporting vaping is some kind of ideology I suppose. Even if its less harmful, the same reasons apply to vaping as they do to ciggs. Just to a lesser degree.