I think I speak for most people when I say that I’m a good representative of the general population.

  • 7 Posts
Joined il y a 4 ans
Cake day: 29 juin 2020

  • I switched probably 2010 or 2011. I think I was on windows 7, but it might have been windows vista and I never got to 7.

    At some point I had made a realization that software I downloaded from sourceforge (this website has been terrible for a long while now, but I think it was decent way back) was heavily correlated with not being shitty. After making this observation, I was able to generalize it to open source software tends to be less shitty and I had a year or two of experiences afterwards that reinforced my theory, which led me to try experimenting with linux installs.

    I started with dual-booting Fedora, I had no idea what I was doing and didn't like the user experience as much as windows at first. I did a little bit of distro-hopping to see if there was something more appealing to me, but during that time I discovered the free software movement and that resonated with me a lot more than open source had, so I decided I wasn't interested in going back to windows. Moved to Trisquel (originally an Ubuntu derivative, and fully-free to the point of being FSF-approved) and grew to love it.

    After a couple years, I decided I was curious enough to learn more about how the system works, so I moved to Parabola (fully free Arch derivative) to force myself to learn. I really learned barely anything, but I got very good at getting things working by trial-and-error while reading documentation I don't fully understand. I haven't progressed very far beyond that point at all in the years since, but I got too comfortable to make a significant change.

    In the past five or so years, I've to some degree dropped the free software philosophy in favor of a philosophy that the problem runs much deeper (no hope of a successful free software movement in a capitalist society, and software is not even close to the most beneficial consequence of getting past capitalism), and I've moved to legit Arch rather than Parabola.

    I've basically gone ten years without real issues on arch installs, but I still have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just comfortable with it and don't want to put any effort into a change. I feel like if anyone from the arch forums or anyone knowledgeable in general took five minutes to look at my pc they'd be like wtf are you doing. It's whatever, it works well enough for me.

  • I know this is a weird choice but the Lustmord tribute album "The Others" is probably my favorite of the decade so far. The first half is pretty close to the dark ambient Lustmord is known for, but as the album goes on it has some more melodic contributions which are really spectacular.

    Ethereal Shroud's "Trisagion" album is really great if you're into metal. Also with regards to metal - the song "Aggressor" by Vredehammer is crazy good, especially the first 2:20 or so, but the full album doesn't quite match it for me.

    "Aether" by The Moon and the Nightspirit is wonderful folk music from Hungary, but they've had a few other albums in the past that match it for me.

  • Eastward? I actually learned about this game on lemmy a year or two ago.

    I thought the pixel graphics were incredible, gave the game such a beautifully creepy atmosphere when it needed it. Even though I was really disappointed that the game just ended without tying any of the story together, I did think the story was great before I finished it. At times the game was unsettling and eerie and at other times it was heartwarming, and the dialogue throughout seemed very well-written.

  • I've had thoughts before about how it could be miserable, but it's not enough to make me worry enough to use a pseudo-name. I feel like I have a better chance of winning the lottery than becoming recognizable because of something I've made or written.

    edit: This reminded me that I should repost the best creative work I've ever made, since it seems like no one saw it last time: my "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" screenplay (lemmy.ml link because I still don't know how to properly cross-post) This is pretty much the peak of my creative abilities.