knightly [none/use any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • Came to make a similar comment.

    My enby gender dysphoria manifested at puberty as a constant mild depression and I just lived with it for 20 years 'til I found out that hormone treatment can be just as effective for enbys like me as it is for binary trans folks.

    Over a year on HRT and I now regularly experience happiness even without any obvious trigger. My baseline mood has improved so much that literally all my friends and family have noticed and commented on it.

    I obviously can't say that this will work for everyone, but I hope my experience will be helpful for any enby eggs out there who haven't considered transitioning because "hormone therapy is for trans people". I let that line of thought keep me from the joy of becoming myself for far too long.

  • What rational person would willingly become the CEO of a health insurance company? Every denial of coverage might incur such a vendetta.

    Ditto the addictive or wildly expensive proprietary pharmaceuticals. I'm genuinely surprised that it's almost 2025 and we're just now getting to the corporate assassinations phase of our cyberpunk distopian timeline.

  • You're good! Succulents are easy to propagate from stems, just leave it out of the soil and direct sunlight long enough for the wound on the stem to callus over (2-3 days after cutting, already done in your case), then plant it in dry soil and wait a couple of weeks for new roots to start growing before watering. Some of the lower leaves may shrivel and drop off, but the rest of the plant will be fine once the stem grows new roots.

    That leaf that fell off might be viable still as well, just let the wound callus over before planting it in the soil.