little_red [comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2020

  • My dr giving me an rx for Welbutrin after I had a breakdown in her office is probably the single best thing that has happened for my mental health in my 30+ years of life.

    I avoided meds for so long, even though it was really obvious that I needed some help. That internalized "only people with real problems need meds, I don't have real problems, I'm just doing it for attention/I'm clearly faking it, if I work harder and just weren't so lazy everything would be just fine, I'm just looking for an easy way out instead of improving myself" mindset fucked me over so hard and so unnecessarily, especially in college and throughout my twenties.

    In summary, fuck anyone who badmouths ADHD meds.

  • little_red [comrade/them]togamesThe battle of Grozny, 1995
    2 years ago

    Depends entirely on your weapon class, mode, and rank.

    The yt channel Squid School (and the linked video below in particular) may be a good place to start in order to learning what role you're supposed to be playing. No specifics about this map in particular but general info that may help you start putting the pieces together.

  • "Millions of women across America have been forgotten by the publishing world. They’re tired of having to go to trashy or politically biased sites and magazines just to get quality reads on health, beauty, and more For years, these publications have focused on proving how women are great by showing how they can be just like men."


  • #1. Sign up for Pawp. The service is $20/month and you get 24/7 access to vets. Additionally, every calendar year you have access to a one time emergency coverage of $3k USD (there may be a waiting period associated, not 100% sure). Depending on the vet/facility you go to, Pawp will be able to disburse this to the practice directly, meaning none of that irritating "you pay up front and we reimburse you later" bs. This is not an ideal solution as it doesn't cover any kind of preventative or less-serious interventional care, but if something goes wrong sooner than your insurance kicks in, this is a safety net you can have.

    Side note: If you have a subscribe and save membership with Chewy, you also at least get access to a similar 24/7 chat line with vets, so if you want to talk to one sooner rather than later to ease your mind or to verify your suspicions, then that may be a way to go.

    #2. Per Progressive's own site: To check for pre-existing conditions (which aren't usually covered), some insurers require a checkup and waiting period before your coverage begins. The waiting period may be a few weeks for illness coverage; for accident coverage, it's usually a few days. Note that Progressive's Pet Insurance by Pets Best does not require a checkup, but it does require waiting periods: three days for accident coverage and 14 days for illness coverage

    So you may end up in the clear, especially if you're going to a new vet who doesn't have her old records.

    I am a very anxious pet parent, and Pawp has come in handy more times than I would care to admit. Full disclosure I have only utilized the vet chat function to date, but I primarily signed up for it for the emergency fund. I have read over the emergency fund usage policy quite recently though (Puppy ate some fabric on Friday...still waiting for it to pass....) and it is really quite straightforward to use if necessary.

  • little_red [comrade/them]tothe_dunk_tankpoor? just make more money
    2 years ago

    Saw in the comments when this was posted on Reddit that this example is taken from someone who lives in NYC and shares an apartment with 3 roommates. Have no idea whether that's true, but with that context the budget actually does make sense.

    It squares rent (assuming an even split 4 ways total rent would be $3,300 total), Cleaning, and Internet.

    Transportation also makes sense ($130 is cost of monthly unlimited metro card), and Groceries/Dining out are pretty typical for NYC.

    I'm willing to bet that Donations is actually his alcohol and drugs budget tbh.

    Or, if we go the "they really fudged this to make it palatable but in a way that is nefarious" route, it's a combo of his CC and Student Loan payments.

  • The interesting thing (I guess) is that there is a cap on the amount of American movies that can be shown in movie theaters in China. So years where the China "pandering" was the most obvious across the most amount of big US movies were the years where competition was highest.

    I believe that internally, China has made some changes in how things are allowed to be marketed and are obviously beefing up funds/marketing for domestically made movies. Why ban "Western" movies when you can get your population to not want to even see them in the first place? Genius move, honestly.