I read the books this year because I wanted to feel pain, basically, and I wanted to be justified in disliking Harry Potter. I was not disappointed. However, I still don't understand how the fuck the end of the book worked. It was so harebrained and convoluted and sloppy as fuck that I don't know what actually happened. Am I stupid or was it a bad ending? And what the fuck happened? How did they actually kill Voldemort?

  • Liberalism [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Well, every work of art contains some of the ideology of the artist. That was an overstatement.

    But if you ignore Rowling's real world actions, the books aren't that problematic as media from that time period goes. It's more in hindsight that we can make connections between some of the casual stereotyping in the books and the political views of the author.

    • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
      4 years ago

      It's not just the stereotypes. Voldemort defeating himself because he Broke The Rules is peak liberal ideology