Two layers of electrified, barbed wire, with armed guards to keep a colony secure. Colonialism has never actually ended

  • camaron28 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Because they are completely different issues. Melilla and Ceuta have been spanish for 500 years and are normal cities.

    Meanwhile Gibraltar is a tax haven, a resort for old brits and a tool used by Great Britain to dominate the Mediterranean sea.

      • camaron28 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Are they tax havens? Do the people there not have spanish citizenship?

          • camaron28 [he/him]
            3 years ago

            WTF, who the hell "accepted" those atrocities? I literally say in this thread that those have to go.

            • Gayan [undecided]
              3 years ago

              then why the fuck are you calling it normal? In this thread it appears you are defending european territory in Africa, as the most assholish of europeans do. Your colonialist country and its oversees territories deserve nothing but spite for what it did in the past and continues to do in the present.

              • camaron28 [he/him]
                3 years ago

                That "european territory in Africa" has been spanish for 500 years. Why do you want to ignore the will of the people living there?

                Hell, i hate when yanks complain about stuff they have just discovered.

                • Gayan [undecided]
                  3 years ago

                  The will of the people living there is keeping up those monstrous walls, dumbass. Fuck your first worlder imperialist desires.

                  Imagine pretending to be a leftist defending one of the filthiest colonialist nations, lmao.

                  I'm latino btw, I know personally the horrors your people brought 500 years ago.

                  • camaron28 [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    Lmao what.

                    FIrst of, imagine claiming that the people of Melilla are responsible for the wall and not our central government. Do you believe Melilla is a white ethnostate or something?

                    Second of, "my people" stayed here, go tell that to YOUR ancerstors and leave me alone. Also, imagine blaming some sitty peasant for colonialism and not the royal family.

                    Third of, being latino is worth shit when discussing Africa. Either learn about the topic at hand or fuck off.

                    • Gayan [undecided]
                      3 years ago

                      Your "peasant" ass seems privileged enough to blab and defend your overlord's actions and land dominance, and then mocking a latino for the rapists that delivered spoils to the place you benefit from. For someone that pretends to be so smart you really lack the historical knowledge.

                      You stayed there while pushing others to do your dirty work abroad, exactly like its done in the border of Melilla. Or do you really believe people of Melilla oppose those wall while wanting to be spanish, as you can divine?

                      I've never imagined seeing in this website anyone stupid enough to defend the sovereignty of a Spanish colony just becuase its 500 years old. Either learn about the the horrors your people still cause or fuck off and stop defending it.

                      But please, keep calling the opinion of latinos shit while on the other side of the stick. Someday those walls will fall and you may not be so lucky.

                      • camaron28 [he/him]
                        3 years ago

                        Lmao what.

                        It's insane how someone can imagine someone else's reply and then answer that insted of the real one. Truly amazing.

                        Yeah, i really benefit from all the wars our kings did in the past that were used to fund more wars and a few swiss banks. Why complain about current western colonialism when i can complain about 500 years ago? Why talk about the FMI or the current problems facing SA when i can focus on a small patch of spanish territory?

                        Truly amazing how someone can find out about something and then, instead of reflect, proceeds to insult the person talking about context.

                        • Gayan [undecided]
                          3 years ago

                          Interesting, do you really believe that your first world status isn't privileged and waranted to the abuse you commited to other nations for centuries and continue to commit nowadays?

                          Or do you believe that the Spanish people are just magically more wealthy today because of their inherent virtue? And if you do, isn't it even worse to think that white nations are rich just because of their heritage?

                          Why complain about current western colonialism when i can complain about 500 years ago?

                          Is your white ass physically incapable of accepting you benefit from the exploitation your nation did so long ago, suffering no consequences for it whatsoever while still clutching some of those lands? You should be ashamed for hoarding it for so long, not proud of it!

                          Why talk about the FMI or the current problems facing SA when i can focus on a small patch of spanish territory?

                          Are you talking to yourself? Because you seem really horny about defending that piece of land for unbeknownst reasons.

                        • NeverGoOutside [any]
                          3 years ago

                          How about the Africans who die every year trying to get across your apartheid wall because they don’t have the luck and privilege of being born on the side of the fence that covers European citizenship???

                          • camaron28 [he/him]
                            3 years ago

                            I literally just said that the wall should be removed.

                              • camaron28 [he/him]
                                3 years ago


                                Go and find me the Melilla independentist movement. Go

                                • Gayan [undecided]
                                  3 years ago

                                  There's no return on searching for that group. Could you link any sources? And if it is a movement that wants independency, then why do you defend for it to remain non-independent?

                                  • camaron28 [he/him]
                                    3 years ago

                                    Yes. Because AS I SAID: IT DOESN'T EXIST.


                                    • Gayan [undecided]
                                      3 years ago

                                      So there is no movement there against those walls? Sounds like Melilla has to go

                                      • camaron28 [he/him]
                                        3 years ago

                                        YES, FUCKING YES. AS I SAID, EVERY FUCKING LEFTIST WANTS THEM GONE.

                                        Also: Melilla =/= those walls. If the wall in Mexico disappears would the US be gone?

                                        • Gayan [undecided]
                                          3 years ago

                                          You do realize that there are movements in the US against the Wall? Please show me any group in Melilla that wants those walls gone.

                                          • camaron28 [he/him]
                                            3 years ago


                                            EVERY FUCKING LEFTIST. EVERYONE. EVERY SINGLE ONE

                                            • Gayan [undecided]
                                              3 years ago

                                              Could you even call yourself a leftist living in a colony in Africa with those freaking walls?

                                              You still fail to show me any group in Melilla that oppose those walls. Please, show me the "leftists" in Melilla.

                                              • camaron28 [he/him]
                                                3 years ago


                                                • Gayan [undecided]
                                                  3 years ago

                                                  Show me one leftist party movement in Melilla or fuck off colonizer.

                                                  • camaron28 [he/him]
                                                    3 years ago


                                                    Podemos, the PCTE, the PCPE, the PCE, IU...

                                                    ALL THE SPANISH LEFTIST PARTIES. HOLY SHIT, YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

                                                    • Gayan [undecided]
                                                      3 years ago

                                                      could you please show me their statements over Melilla?

                                                      • camaron28 [he/him]
                                                        3 years ago

                                                        Look them up yourself, fucking idiot. Do you also want a handjob? Fuck off.

                                                        • Gayan [undecided]
                                                          3 years ago

                                                          Lmao, you know they don't exist. Colonizer leftists are really a joke.

                      • camaron28 [he/him]
                        3 years ago

                        Either justify your response (or don't, because you clearly know nothing about them) or fuck off.

      • camaron28 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Nah, that's the sahara, you know, the place currently occupied by Morocco where they are murdering tons of people after invading it in the 70s.