hi my beautiful trans comrades!

so im pretty set on using bica, ive researched thoroughly and know the risks. but i am curious abt finasteride. do any mtf people use finasteride or is the mechanism completely different from bica, spiro, and cypro

just curious, i dont think im gonna change my decision to use bica unless my liver panel shows its causing damage

  • g_g [they/them]
    1 year ago

    i've been taking finasteride for about a month now and so far so good, i'd say. I can't say I've noticed a whole lot so far (which I hope is just because it hasn't been long enough, and not because im not gonna get everything I want out of it - fingers crossed).

    I've seen some folks online say that it can have pretty serious mental well-being downsides, but I personally haven't noticed any of that. lately I've been having tons of what im lovingly calling "mega-dreams" (dreams spanning multiple in-dream days) which are out of the norm for me and I suspect it's got something to do with finasteride.

    the mechanism is different, as i understand it. I'm not an expert by any means but my doc told me spiro actually suppressed the production of T, where finasteride suppressed the conversion of T to the more active form, DHT. that means that the result of taking finasteride can actually be increasing your T levels, even tho it's decreasing the active form that causes more of the, idk how else to say it, "masculinizing" stuff that T does.

    anyway, like I said, so far I've been doing well on it even if I haven't noticed as much as I would like to at this point.

    hope that helps a lil bit! trans-heart