Dronies just can't stop


  • TomboyShulk [she/her]A
    9 months ago


    a-little-trolling People always say to me, they always say: 'Ms. TomboyShulk, aren't you a little harsh with these pre-emptive purges?' Folks, as you can–and you can see it quite clearly–quite clearly see with this rambunctious little imp, I'm just as harsh as I need to be; could stand to be a bit harsher, frankly.

    • buckykat [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      geordi-no Using the report feature on federated communities

      geordi-yes PMing Great Purge requests to TomboyShulk

    • OgdenTO [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Purges are a last resort. That means we do them pre-emptively

    • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      trump-drenched Libs are calling posters banned by hexbear admins heros, I prefer posters who weren't banned. We love our admins and mods don't we folks, such beautiful and strong admins, unlike anything we've ever seen before! Not like those nasty lemmy libs, they have such bad opinions, just the worst let me tell you, they need to be banned and someone has to do it! a-little-trolling

      • envis10n [he/him]
        9 months ago

        My god that first image just swallows my entire phone screen lol. Thunder really doesn't like the emotes