• duderium [he/him]
    1 year ago

    How is it possible for the Democrats to be more rightwing?

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The Democrats? Biden? Right wing? Absurd.

      That would imply that he had continued most of Trump's policies including for immigration, played a key role in provoking and then supplying to the tune of billions of dollars a proxy war in Ukraine that killed and maimed hundreds of thousands and resulted in millions of refugees (and Ukraine will end up a country infested by mines, cluster bombs, and depleted uranium for centuries to come), blown up the Nord Stream pipelines and thus condemned Europe to long-term industrial decline, continued to expand oil drilling, refused to come to any kind of reasonable negotiation on the Iran deal, which America broke and not Iran, stolen Iranian oil, steals the majority of Syria's oil and continued to occupy their country, bailed out banks yet again once they started failing partially in response to interest rates which were increased due to significant inflation (without giving a shit about regular people), presided over the loss of Roe vs Wade without doing much of anything, presided over a national wave of violent anti-transgender policies being enacted without doing much of anything, are likely to soon resume student loan payments, got hundreds of thousands of people killed due to coronavirus while saying that the pandemic is over and now every person and insitution even trying to keep a vague count of the death toll are finding it impossible to do so because the Democrats could not give less of a shit, crushed the railway union strike while pretending that they wanted their strike to be crushed and then cynically went to a picket line to talk about the fucking middle class, shown zero actual resolve against Israel which is conducting an actual genocide against Palestinians while railing against a Ughyur genocide in China, continued putting sanctions on everybody who vaguely disagrees with the US, including on China, to the extent that it's harming America's ability to do a green transition because solar panels are largely made in China, had an obvious role in overthrowing Castillo in Peru and has sent troops there, also overthrew Khan in Pakistan (and probably other places I've forgotten about), raised the military budget to comical levels while every other institution stagnates and declines, and played a key role in using the IMF and other organizations to increase global debt to a record high of $307 trillion in service of American empire.

      Are you seriously implying that a kind old man like Joe Biden and a progressive party like the Democrats has done all those things?

      (We still have a year left of his presidency, and potentially five years more, and already I think he's up there in the Worst Presidents of All Time rankings in term of pure negative impact on the United States, the world, and its population. The man has shambled around the world leaving death and destruction in his wake - though also critically weakened the empire in the process.)