• HornyOnMain
    11 months ago
    spoilers for disco Elysium

    These people are really claiming that the moralists are the best, most ethical faction when they're the ones who got martinaise to the point that children are doing drugs in the street, the entire district is incredibly impoverished, the local government completely collapsed so the union had to take over all administration and law enforcement duties, there are drunks and drug addicts everywhere and then sprinkled in with all the misery there's a few incredibly rich people who either don't give a shit about (or aren't even aware of) all the poverty around them all while the moralists still have guns pointed every section of the city and have it under military occupation (and we're actually told that they nuke martinaise two decades after the game ends or so in response to another revolution).

    But apparently the communists are bad because the guy who killed a murderous PMC thug was a bitter, angry old man with a sniper rifle.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      there's a few incredibly rich people who are either don't give a shit about (or aren't even aware of) all the poverty around them

      Behold, the Adult In The Room: mega-rich-light-bending-guy

    • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
      11 months ago

      That thing you're told happens 2 decades after the game ends... How are you told that? Do you have to sit through all the credits to see it? I played through, got a little bit of dialogue at the very end from shivers and esprit du corps indicating that something is going to happen next, and then painfully long unstoppable credits. Tried to wait the credits out but it got to be too much so I ended up alt+F4ing and started a new run to try a different build.

      • jtsavage [he/him]
        11 months ago

        It's in the church, you need specific high stats while getting everyone to dance. You pass out, speak with the city, and if you have the correct stats you receive a vision of the nuke.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        11 months ago

        I think it happens if you make the right checks during the dance rave sequence? You pass out and hear voices.

        • M68040 [they/them]
          11 months ago

          That segment is also a call-forward to something mentioned in Sacred and Terrible Air.