
  • kleeon [he/him, he/him]
    11 months ago

    They were the first star wars movies I watched as a kid and I still love them

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      It does seem boomeriffic to dismiss the prequels entirely even if they were jank and silly for adults that watched them when they came out.

      I highly doubt the Disney trilogy will have kids remember them that fondly, or at all.

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        11 months ago

        if kids could be made nostalgic for the damn Phantom Menace, they can be made nostalgic for the sequel trilogy

        • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
          11 months ago

          At least Phantom Menace was trying to do something original and coherent. It's a shit execution, but there's a story in there that doesn't suck.

          • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
            11 months ago

            It also had podracing. There should be an entire movie or series that's just about the seedy podracing competitive scene.

          • Babs [she/her]
            11 months ago

            All of Star Wars feels like a good story told poorly.

        • AOCapitulator [they/them, she/her]
          11 months ago

          nah, because before you had the prequel movies and like, a show or two of starwars

          now they're drowning in it like with capeshit, I doubt much of it will stick out for them

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          11 months ago

          Maybe, but I have nieces that would be the ideal age for nostalgia for that movie and they seem more interested in remembering Ewoks.

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            11 months ago

            Have you seen the prequels recently? If not I'd genuinely love to hear your report after a rewatch. I think they're total crsp but as I've said before, I don't think there's 3 movies I could have more to say about. I'm not totally sure how to touch on it without going into a whole thing. I mostly like the first movie cause I like weird old Sci fi and 70s movies, empire is a great sequel and a better movie for sure, just doesn't have the personal appeal and I feel about the same as the common man about jedi. Same with the sequels except I'd point out the chemistry between the main characters in force awakens that is never used again, lot of wasted potential trial splitting the 3 mains up all the time. Force Awakens was kinda cool and at leat seemed to be going in a direction and then t wasn't but there was nothing like Dexter Jettster or Qui Gom Jinn's aeird nonsensical gambling addiction

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              11 months ago

              Have you seen the prequels recently? If not I'd genuinely love to hear your report after a rewatch.

              They're awkward and bad, but they have a sort of unique awkward badness to them that makes them at least bearable to sit through. In a way, having no expectations on rewatches helped with that.

              Fin was done dirty by the Disney sequels; he could have been the real next Luke and if any bad ideas could have been salvaged from Rise of Skywalker, it would be Rey's easy mode Force powers actually being a dark side temptation with her as something like the final antagonist for Fin to face.

              But because of the slapfight between each movie's "auteurs" nothing of value persisted from movie to movie.

    • edge [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Same. It's literally just the Ewok Line but in the 90s.

      I fear the kids born in the 2010s will be saying the same about the sequels. The difference of course is that I'm objectively correct that the prequels were (not amazing, but) perfectly fine movies while the sequels were utter dogshit.