I haven't played the game but I heard that it turns out that your character has been brainwashed in the MKULTRA program and you can choose to turn on the CIA and defect to the Soviet Union

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    4 years ago

    They want people to engage with the propaganda and to weaken criticism that that's what it is. At the same time they don't just want to send you a message telling you "America good, commies bad," they want to present a decision in such a way that you (well, the average person) would choose America. And including MKULTRA stuff, like, the message you're supposed to think isn't, "the CIA does no wrong," it's, "the CIA does the bad stuff that's necessary to protect us from evil commies." I haven't engaged with the content at all but from what I'm gathering the defection choice involves nuking the world out of personal spite and revenge, while the America choice is the one where you decide to be the bigger person and do the right thing for the world.