• itappearsthat [he/him]
    20 days ago

    It's a hard problem. Joining orgs to meet people to sleep with is obvious wrecker behavior but often orgs are where you meet people most compatible with you. Every political party, even mainstream ones, has lots of people sleeping with each other. Humans are gonna catch feelings, especially in leftist orgs where trauma bonding from violent interactions with cops is possible. I don't have the solution really.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      20 days ago

      Word. I don't think there is a solution. People working together for long periods of time, some of them are gonna bang and some of them are going to break up. Idk what to do except try to make sure that no one person is a critical point of failure, and spray-bottle anyone who is serial dating their way through the whole org.

    • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
      20 days ago

      I don't have the solution really.

      ok, hear me out:

      In such cases, the community usually has unilineal descent (either patri- or matrilineal) so that any individual belongs to one of the two moiety groups by birth, and all marriages take place between members of opposite moieties.

      the obvious solution is to restrict relationships to being between members of the ancom moiety and the ML moiety. then you're also addressing sectarianism or something.

    • Tabitha ☢️[she/her]
      20 days ago

      Joining orgs to meet people to sleep with is obvious wrecker behavior

      joining orgs to advertise your onlyfans is still okay right?

    • Tabitha ☢️[she/her]
      20 days ago

      Joining orgs to meet people to sleep with is obvious wrecker behavior

      this is like IASIP episode 2 lol