• FlakesBongler [they/them]
    26 days ago

    I honestly don't understand the idea that people see a movie over and over again like that

    Much less something like Kraven The Hunter

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      26 days ago

      Ever met a toddler?

      Also, jokes aside, it is a very ambitious thing to plan around. Recently I watched Decision to Leave and it completely blew me away, I thought it was far beyond the vast majority of movies I've seen in a while. So I go and watch half of Park Chan Wook's filmography. Then I watch Decision to Leave again, and I still think it was really good, but definitely not as much as the first time. Rewatching a movie that I was going wild for in the space of 4 months killed most of my enthusiasm for it, and that's an actually good movie. Who's gonna tell their family "nah forget Christmas, I gots to see Kraven one more time"???

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        26 days ago

        Every day I wake up and open palm slam a VHS copy of Kraven into the VCR and start Kraving along with the hero, Kraven, from the movie Kraven

    • AlicePraxis [any]
      26 days ago

      yeah I like to rewatch some movies but like, maybe once a year? not several times within a span of a few weeks